
A Surreal Night in Harlem~シュールな夜






 一緒に化粧室に立ったH氏の夫人に尋ねた。「彼はミュージシャンなの? ロドニーとしか聞いてなくて……」すると彼女は笑って意外な返答をした。





A Surreal Night in Harlem

Some T-shirt.
If you walk around a street in Japan wearing that T-shirt, you will be dragged to a police station.  This is no joke.  Arrested, you will be.
Even in America, you might be arrested if someone reports it.  And, in an Islamic country, you might get whipped as punishment.
Three in the front, three more in the back.  There printed are a total of six ladies with huge boobs, some Caucasians, some African Americans, or Hispanics, posing with either a broad smile or a seductive look on their faces.  Of course, they are in the nude with nothing whatsoever to cover themselves.  It was just too ridiculously obscene to comment, and I just sort of ignored it and smiled vaguely.
It was right after the stage was over at the jazz club located on 103rd Street near Harlem when I encountered him.  I was visiting the club that evening to listen to the performance of Dr. H.  When I stepped out of the club, I saw Dr. H himself on the sidewalk chatting with this guy in this unique T-shirt.

Dr. H is an established jazz trumpet player.  He is said to be the one who could fill the position of the late Miles Davis.  He was also a psychiatrist.  We even heard that he was a trophy-winning ice skater when he was younger.  He had no African-American accent and always looked stylish.  He was obviously from a family in the higher society.
It was just so bizarre to see a jazz musician in such a sophisticated fancy suit talking to a dread-haired guy wearing a T-shirt with nude ladies.
"This is Rodney."  Dr. H even introduced him to me with a casual smile.
I was supposed to go out for a drink with Dr. H and his wife after his gig.  But the atmosphere was that I just had to accept this Rodney joining us.  Oh, my, how am I supposed to have conversations with someone in a nude T-shirt?  Feeling reluctant, I secretly sighed.

To my surprise, I soon found that despite his ridiculous appearance, this guy was very knowledgeable, especially about jazz.  He began to talk about the music he just heard.  From what he said and the words he chose to describe, I even thought he might have been a jazz musician himself.  He explained clearly the impressions he had of the stage performance of Dr. H and his band.  He also had very interesting views about jazz in general.  He gave me information about a variety of gigs and concerts, even the workshops and seminars to be held at such places as the Lincoln Centre.  I soon found myself drawn into the conversation he was leading.
When I stood and went to the powder room with Mrs. H, I asked her if Rodney was a musician.  All I knew was his name.
She chuckled and said,
"No way.  He is a homeless wandering around there.  I think he is buying his food by selling those T-shirts."
"He approached us when we walked out of the club and started talking to us.  You know H is such an easy-goer and decided to buy him a beer.  He thought it could be amusing."
"But, he sounded like he was at the club to listen to the music.  What he had to say about it sounded quite precise."
She shrugged with a smile.
"He was pressing his ear onto the door at the club and listened to the whole gig through it.  I guess he didn't have the money to get in."
It was getting late, and I decided to head home.
"It was nice meeting you."
I said to Rodney, the homeless but I just could not get over it and continued,
"Do you play any instruments?"
He answered with a coy smile, which did not go at all with the T-shirt that he had on.
"I play the pianica, just a bit."
I would not know the history of his life.  But it was clear that he loved jazz.  He might have had an aspiration for jazz and had even studied it somewhere in his life.  One fact that I learned about him, however, was that he was one of the countless homeless persons in New York City.  Despite the seriousness I imagine of his situation, he was so carefree and even enthusiastic.  And it made me feel relieved, but sad and uneasy at the same time.
It was such a surreal night.  At midnight in Harlem, New York, there sat together a first-class jazz musician in an elegant suit and a dread-haired man in a T-shirt with six naked women printed, discussing jazz with a beer in their hands.  And it felt like it could go deeper forever.
Maybe this dread-haired Rodney was just a simple "Don't Worry, Be Happy" type of person who rarely felt intimidated by anything.  His straightforwardness brewed my mind and impressed me.  But, what impressed me the most was how Dr. H had room in his heart to enjoy the conversation with someone so different from himself.  He loved jazz, and so did Rodney.  Thus, they were standing on the same ground without the slightest idea of prejudice toward each other.  That was the true nature of jazz lovers I found in the surreal cityscape of New York one night in Harlem.
