

55歳のMel Robbinsという方。




Here are the 13 things I wish I knew in my 20s.
1. The idea that the 20s are “the time of your life” is complete bullshit. It might actually be one of the hardest decades of your life so give yourself more grace.
2. Stop spending money on stupid shit.
3. You have so much time.
4. Date the person not the potential
5. It’s not fair.
6. To find what a win looks like by the quality of your circle not the quantity in your paycheck.
7. Don’t be a dick
8. You don’t get to want it if you don’t ask for it.
9. Get serious about who you’re hanging out with.
10. Create a rocksolid morning routine.
11. Be your own person and stop pretending you like things that you don’t.
12. You’re not in competition with anyone so start cheering for everyone including yourself.
13. Take big risks in your 20s.

And yes you’re gonna have those days when you see people get engaged or promoted or buy that car and then the next day you’re sobbing because you feel like it’s never gonna be you. It’s OK, it’s OK. I’ve been there too and I promise you it’s part of life those ups and downs. It’s just not fair but you can ride the wave and I’m gonna promise you something else, your day is coming, your timeline is your own and you are gonna figure it out.
Please give yourself more f** credit because you deserve it and start trusting the timing of your life. If you want something, work for it. If you need something, ask for it.
And before I go, I want to tell you something, especially if nobody else tells you this, especially if you’re beating yourself up right now. I wanna tell you that I love you and I believe in you, and I believe in your ability to not only pull yourself up by the bootstraps, dust yourself off and start thriving in your 20s and riding this wave and doing the things that you need to do like taking big risks and moving and surrounding yourself with people that lift you up. Why? Because you have the ability to create the best life ever, even in your 20s.

