

「泣かせろ」チャレンジ 2日目:これも失敗(ネタバレはしませんが最後のシーンにやられました(笑))

Make Me Cry Challenge Day 2: also a fail (no spoilers but the last scene got me)



This time, I watched a sad commercial. I’m going to go off on a slight tangent, but this reminded me of how marketing plays with our emotions.



As some of us may have learned in World History, Japan was once a very closed-off country, hardly letting in ideas and people from outside their borders. However, there were also class divisions within Japanese society, with many (literal and figurative) walls between the shogun (the leader, as the emperor was just a figurehead) and the rest of the population. 

(note: the Edo period capital was in Kyoto, but I included images from the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, which became the designated capital during the Meiji Restoration. The concept of security/social classes can be seen in this “Tokyo” capital as well)

Social hierarchy (my notes from Edo-Tokyo class at Waseda lol)



This can be seen in the Edo map (https://www.jstor.org/stable/43196947 see pg. 1537) , where the imperial palace is heavily protected by surrounding walls. Another commonly noted distinction between the upper and lower classes during this period was that the higher ups mostly lived in the Yamanote regions (yama meaning “mountain”) on hills, overlooking the lower class residences located downhill in the Shitamachi (“low city”) . Therefore, it was literally an uphill battle for any lower class members of society to get near the heavily-guarded, prestigious members of the upper class, which–both literally and figuratively–looked down on them.

The imperial palace gate




Just like how it took someone many steps to reach the shogun, up until recently, marketing involved building many obstacles between the brand head and customers, putting them on a pedestal to make them seem “impressive” or “unreachable.”
If you had too many achievements to fit on a one-page resume (not that resumes existed back then, as far as I know), you were considered trustworthy and people would buy your product.

Something I found quite intriguing is that the Japanese kanji 儲ける (meaning “to earn money”) is made up of the kanji 信じる (to believe) and 者 (person). Someone who possesses the charisma to attract people and make them believe in him/her has mastered the marketing strategy that brings in the bread 🍞🍞. (as a ling major I ate this up haha)

Explanation of the gate above




Nowadays, marketing and social media are beginning to shift their focus to empathy and relatability. Many YouTubers have succeeded in this way - if you’re a college student, maybe you watch other college student YouTubers because you “vibe” with them - you share commonalities, and they show you their imperfections and vulnerabilities.

The picture-perfect, all-around YouTuber or Instagrammer model is beginning to break down, especially for the Gen Z population. More and more influencers are closing the distance between themselves and the public, showing a more human or “real” side rather than putting up an act.

Samurai on patrol!



We are beginning to look up to or feel drawn to influencers (or more like anyone on social media - they don’t have to have a million followers) for their human qualities, rather than for their achievements. I think this is a positive trend, as it encourages honesty, as well as acceptance of our imperfections.

Feel free to share your thoughts - even (especially) if you disagree with me 

( 最後に、ご教授頂いた皆様、ありがとうございました。And lastly, I would like to thank those who taught me this fascinating information!)


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