








Postcard of 2110

I have a postcard from 2110 in my hand. It is a New Year's card that my grandfather sent to my grandmother in 2024, before I was born. My grandfather went to the moon for the first time that year. He left Earth to work in a colony on the moon.

The postcard is printed with a photo taken by his grandfather on the moon. The moon's surface is lined with white domes, solar panels, robots, and spacecraft. The Earth shines blue in the lunar sky. My grandfather must have thought of his grandmother while looking at that view.

On the back of the postcard, written in my grandfather's handwriting, is the following.

"Happy New Year. Did you receive the New Year's card from the moon? I'm very busy, but I'm doing well. Life on the moon is more interesting than I imagined. But I still miss Earth. I miss your face. I want to go home soon. What?”

My grandfather's words warm my heart. My grandfather went back and forth between the moon and the earth many times after that. My grandmother also sometimes went to the moon to see her grandfather. The two held a wedding ceremony on the moon. I've seen that photo. Grandfather and grandmother are smiling and kissing while holding up the moon flag. It was a very happy scene.

I am moved by the love story between my grandfather and grandmother. I also want to go to the moon someday. I want to see with my own eyes the scenery that my grandfather and grandmother saw. And I, too, want to send a postcard from the moon. To someone important to me.







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