

 ManziniのLivable Proxity[1]の第3章ケアする都市を読む。この章は、ケアのための新たなサービスシステムのアプローチを議論する。アクターtoアクターの価値共創、サービスとITインフラストラクチャーの関係性も明確になる。




 Manziniは、「時間をかけて蓄積された社会資本の表現であった過去の「ケアできる街」が、「サービスする街」(正確には「サービス社会」と言うべきだろう)に取って代わられたように見える。」[1] という。さらに、ケアする都市のためには、資本主義的な経済効果としての「サービス」ではなく、ITを基礎にアクター間の物理的活動を支えるハイブリッドプラットフォーム上のサービス社会として、再構築することが必要だ。

This means redefining the service society as a society in which services are collaborative and distributed throughout the territory, with the task of stimulating and enabling all of the available social resources, starting with those of the people directly involved; services that support new communities and new forms of proximity, the community of care and the proximity that cares.

1, p70



The core of the Social Superilles is the territorialization of home care services, through a reorganization of the operators and their work at the neighborhood level, that creates a social service of proximity. Speaking of how he sees the future of services for the elderly, Lluis Torrens has written: “The underlying idea is what we call the distributed virtual residence: a situation in which a person in their own home receives the same services they would receive in the room of a neighborhood nursing home.”

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In order for all of this to happen, and to expand beyond the cases of social innovation such as those which we have examined here, a way needs to be found to activate a virtuous circle between social, technical, and institutional innovation that leads to the generation of a great number of these caring communities. Yet that is not enough; a profound cultural change is needed. At its center is a different conception of time: the distribution of care work among many people may never become the new normal if at the same time we don’t give new value to care time, which is actually the value of time tout court.

1, p90


Thus, a work of care, that is truly such, requires time, and the time of care is slow time.
Giving value to slowness, and to the quality of “done with care,” therefore does not depend on a purely aesthetic choice (we seek slowness because we like slow things – as in a sort of reverse futurism). Rather, it is the result of recognizing that we want to slow down because we seek quality that can be created and appreciated only if we take the time to do so; that is, if we slow down.

1, p92


Analogously, we have said and repeated that the caring city does not require only care professionals but also a widespread attitude of care on everyone’s part: how can we evaluate it and provide compensation for it, assuming that, in this case, for many it would not be financial compensation? More in general: how much is work worth – care work, in our case – when it is done the way it should be (with care, that is)?
Returning to the idea of artisanal work proposed by Richard Sennet, we could say that the value of care work done with care is found, or should be found, principally in the satisfaction of those who know they have done things well, i.e. with care. But although this can be a good starting point, it is not yet a satisfactory response to our questions.

1, p94 



For designers, it implies a radical change not only in the way of looking at potential users, but also in imagining their own role: from identifying problems and proposing solutions, to identifying not only problems, but above all also latent capabilities and resources, and developing systems of products and services, and being able to promote and support them.

1, p74


  1. ハイブリッド・コミュニティがレジリエンスを高める活動や社会的関係を発展させるための支援として、プラットフォームをどのようにデザインできるか?

  2. 多様な人々や場所、そしてそのローカルな世界観を大切にし、サポートするプラットフォームをデザインするにはどうしたらよいか?

  3. デザイナーは、自分たちのコミュニティ、場所、世界観をどのように認識し、それらがハイブリッドコミュニティのためのプラットフォームのデザインにどのように影響を与えることができるのか?

  4. 複数の活動やアクターをサポートするために、専門化よりも活動や資源の冗長性を優先するようなプラットフォームをデザインするにはどうしたらよいか?

  5. 活動や資源の柔軟性、そしてそれらを複数の活動や場所に再分配することを促進するプラットフォームをどのようにデザインできるか?

  6. ハイブリッドコミュニティのレジリエンスを継続的かつ完全にサポートするために、それ自体がレジリエントなプラットフォームをどのように設計すればよいか?

  7. ハイブリッドなコミュニティに対して、オープン、フェア、透明、民主的なプラットフォームをデザインするにはどうしたらよいか?

  8. ハイブリッドコミュニティを支えるプラットフォームの社会的、環境的、経済的インパクトを、そのレジリエンスとウェルビーイングを考慮しながら、どのように評価することができるか?

  9. ハイブリッドコミュニティをサポートするプラットフォームに直接統合される評価ツールにどのように貢献できるか?

  10. プラットフォームのインパクト評価と採用したモデルの妥当性の検証に、どのようにハイブリッドコミュニティを関与させることができるか?

1 Manzini, E, Livable Proximity: Ideas for the City that Cares, 2022.
2 Berenice Fisher, Joan C. Tronto, “Toward a Feminist Theory of Caring,” in E. Abel, M. Nelson (eds.), Circles of Care, Albany, SUNY Press, 1990, p. 37; Joan C. Tronto, Moral Boundaries. A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care, New York, Routledge, 1993 (Italian trans. Confini morali. Un argomento politico per l’etica del- la cura, Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 2006).
3 Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum (eds.), The Quality of Life, New York, Ox- ford University Press, 1993.
4 Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum (eds.), The Quality of Life, New York, Ox- ford University Press, 1993.
5 Manzini, E., & Menichinelli, M. (2021). Platforms for re-localization. Communities and places in the post-pandemic hybrid spaces. Strategic Design Research Journal, 14(1), 351–360. https://doi.org/10.4013/sdrj.2021.141.29
