
【東京みち散歩物語】#6 TOKYO street stroll story in Takebashi

After my heartwarming encounter with Aya at Hanzomon, I decided to head to my next destination, the Takebashi and Otemachi area. After getting off at Tokyo Station, I walked counterclockwise around the Imperial Palace, and I've almost made a full circle. This area is in the center of Tokyo, but history and modernity intersect, and I'm sure there are discoveries waiting for me.

From Hanzomon to Takebashi, it's fun to walk around the Imperial Palace. Today is a clear and refreshing day, and the steps of the Imperial Palace runners are rhythmic. The beautiful greenery and historical buildings are in harmony, and new views unfold with each step. On this way, my mind was drawn back to the events in Nagatacho. That mysterious conversation and the dark politics surrounding it. Perhaps something is leading me down this path.

When I arrived at Takebashi Station, the National Museum of Modern Art appeared in front of me. Having become interested in art, I naturally headed to the museum. Contemporary art works were on display inside the building, and some of them overlapped with Aya's sketches. I was struck by the intersection of Japanese history and modernity through art.

Leaving the museum, I passed the headquarters of the Mainichi Newspapers and Marubeni, then headed towards Otemachi. This is Tokyo's business district, an area where many corporate headquarters are located. Walking between the skyscrapers, I headed towards Wadakura Fountain Park, which is located further ahead. Apparently the Starbucks here has a limited edition Frappuccino, and some people come from far away just to get it. As I stood there, watching the Imperial Palace runners from a distance, the gentle silence of the park and the beautiful fountain made me forget the hustle and bustle of the city.

I sat down on a bench in the park and took a rest for a while, when suddenly, I saw a familiar face. It was the man in a suit I met in Nagatacho. When he noticed me, he approached me with a look of surprise on his face.

"We meet again," he said.

"Yes, I'm surprised. What a coincidence," I replied, but in my mind I couldn't help but wonder who he was and why he was here.

"Actually, there is something I need to tell you," he continued in a low voice. "It's about the conversation I heard in Nagatacho that time. What you heard is very important information. I am a reporter investigating it."

His words were a mixture of surprise and doubt. "Reporter...? Does that conversation relate to some important issue?"

"Yes. It is about corruption within the government. I have been investigating for a long time to get evidence. The conversation you heard is a clue to the core of it."

Listening to him, the events in Nagatacho came back to me vividly again. I began to understand the meaning of that conversation and the importance of my being there.

"You may be in danger. But I need your cooperation to reveal the truth," he said with a serious look in his eyes.

After thinking deeply, I made up my mind. "Okay. I will cooperate. To reveal the truth."

After that, we decided to make a concrete plan together. We decided to act together to gather evidence and get testimony from those involved. I was determined to play my role and do my best to expose this great darkness.

After leaving Wadakura Fountain Park, we continued our meeting at a cafe in a building in Otemachi. As we made our plan, I was impressed by his experience and knowledge as a reporter, but I couldn't hide my surprise that I was part of this huge conspiracy.

That night, I was at home reviewing the materials he gave me. They were detailed with documents that were evidence of corruption and a list of people involved. With these as my foundation, I was ready to take my next step.

A few days later, following his instructions, I headed to Nagatacho again. This time, I went with him through a dark backstreet to move secretly. Our destination was an old building where people at the center of corruption used to come and go.

In front of the building, he said, "This is where it all began. Now let's gather evidence and take action to make the truth public."

I took a deep breath and followed him. The inside of the building was dim and silent. We proceeded carefully and began to search for documents that could be evidence of corruption.

At that moment, I suddenly heard a voice from behind me. "What are you doing?"

I turned around and saw the security guard who had discovered us standing there. His eyes were sharp and wary. I was shaken for a moment, but I was encouraged by his and the reporter's calm attitude.

"We are investigating. We are here to get evidence of corruption in this building," he answered calmly.

The guard hesitated for a moment, then said, "Leave quickly. It's dangerous here," and left the place.

After that, we continued to carefully search for the documents, and finally obtained important evidence. It was a conclusive document showing the whole picture of corruption.

"Now everything will be revealed." He smiled at me, holding the document in his hand.

On the way home that day, I was thinking a lot. This journey, which began with a strange encounter in Nagatacho, led me to a place I never expected. Even though I felt the weight of confronting the darkness of politics and taking action to reveal the truth, I was confident in each step.

Thus, the strange encounters in Takebashi and Otemachi became a turning point that would greatly change my life. Although the end of this journey was still in sight, I was ready to take the next step with new challenges and discoveries in my heart. The journey to discover the multifaceted charm of the city of Tokyo and the truth that lies within continues.




