





No, I do not have to continue to work as a tennis coach. Yes, I still love coaching as a job, but may be it is time for me to move on to something else. 

For the past eight years, I truly believed tennis coach is a job that I pursue for the rest of my professional career. I love getting on the court knocking balls, guiding and supporting kids and adults to achieve what they want through tennis. I thought it is the dream job for me and no other career can make me feel this fulfilled. This job is the one for me. That was my belief then. 

Turned out, there are millions of jobs and careers out there (of course), and tennis coach is only one of those million jobs. I understand now that it never was "the one". Does "the one" even exist? Now I'm sounding like Joseph Gordon-Levitt in 500 Days of Summer.

May be I was a bit naïve to think that tennis coach is the career for me. Or perhaps, I just really wanted to believe that it is the one. Either way, what I realised over the last six months or so is that, I can do whatever the heck I want!

Painstakingly simple, right? But, it took me that long to understand that I can choose any career I want, and began to learn that coaching may be ain't the one. 

Don't get me wrong I LOVE tennis. The game excites me much. I'm always looking for excuses to get on the court and rally up. I still LOVE coaching, too. So, why am I thinking coaching isn't for me? Because, I began to understand the job does not agree with "the season of life" I am currently in.

Tennis coach can be a tough job. No paid leaves, difficult to take days off for a holiday, lots of unpaid work calling and messaging clients, and work outside in scoaching heat and sub zero chill. It is not easy being a tennis coach. 

Nonetheless, the reason why I am writing this post is to begin the process of searching for a new career. To take the first step.

Writing is an area that I am passionate about and am interested in becoming a writer. So I am using this platform to polish up my writing skill and to get my work out to the world. This post, therefore, is my first step. 

People often say taking the first step is the most difficult part. Now that's over and done with, I must continue writing and outputting. 
