
【京都キャンパス教職員のリレー・メッセージ】 ~ネイティブ教員編~

Hi everyone. I’m Scott Johnstone and the native teacher in charge of the International Major here. 


As many of you are trying to do the right thing and stay at home, we risk becoming less active, which can negatively impact our health.To maintain our health and fitness levels, try to get out for some mild exercise once a day. I try to walk every day for up to an hour. I am very lucky that I live near some beautiful parks, but if this is not possible, at least try to walk for 20-30 minutes around your neighborhood to get some fresh air (of course remember to wear a mask and stay away from crowded places). The positive impacts on your physical and mental health will surprise you. If you can make it a habit, it can be part of your routine when stay at home restrictions are lifted. Now is actually a great time to think about habits and routines that will benefit you, and cast aside the ones that are not good for you. Take care. See you next time!

Next is the fresh air loving Mr.Kusano!

