









 今回の「ICTスキルアップ研修」がスタートして、そろそろ2ヶ月近くが経つことになるが、受講生たちは既に半年分の「学び」を体験していることだろうと。昨日は「Desktop & Multitask」の根本を実演披露したが、頷きの回数はかなり多かった。


▼英訳(translated by ChatGPT)

There is nothing that evolves a person as much as "awareness".

As you give lectures every day, you can see the changes and evolution of the students' daily lives as if they were in your hands. Sometimes, their facial expressions or the tone of their words in a moment tell everything, whether it is their dilemma, frustration, joy of discovery, or curiosity about something new.

One day, the position and posture of a student on ZOOM changed dramatically. A Japanese person appeared much larger and seemed to be leaning forward into the screen. It seemed as though they had finally become familiar with everyone.

No, it is interpreted that they had a "realization" about their position and abilities and had developed the mindset to face the course correction. While caring for and assisting foreign students who are learning together, their attitude to improve themselves is spreading across the screen.

If information sharing is done properly on a daily basis, their skills will undoubtedly accelerate. Understanding of what they are learning will increase, and they will find more efficient and effective ways to process information that are optimal for themselves, not just relying on one method.

On the other hand, foreign students struggle with both Japanese and English, but when I read their daily reports, I can see that they understand several times more than what they express in their conversations. They may feel frustrated that they cannot convey their thoughts accurately during the class, but they are thoroughly understanding the course material every day.

As a teacher, I am aware that the pace is fast within the limited lecture time of the day, but I want to hammer in the macro and micro details, and my desire for them to keep up with it is becoming stronger. However, it is difficult to make them understand everything in one go, so I focus on having them "digest" it.

As more "realizations" sprout toward a common goal, concentration becomes more acute day by day. They will eagerly take on a large number of tasks. Their sincere attitude shines through, and even though it is still a basic course, I want to steer them towards expert development.

When the receiver and provider are integrated in this way, trust and bonds become thicker and deeper, and it naturally becomes a mutually beneficial relationship. It is an absolute taboo to interfere with this dynamic or force one's convenience on the other.

It has been almost two months since the start of the "ICT Skill Up Training," and the students have already experienced six months' worth of "learning." Yesterday, we demonstrated the fundamentals of "Desktop & Multitask," and there were quite a few nods of agreement.

It is belatedly dawning on me that the amount of "realizations" one has in life can completely change that person's life, and I find solace in the reactions of the students. The younger generation of today is much more pure and clever than those of us from the Showa era, and they just nod in agreement.


  1. テーマの明確さ(評価: 良い) このエッセイは、気づきが個人の成長や進化にどれだけ影響を与えるかについて明確な主題を持っています。著者は具体的な例や観察を通じて、このテーマを探求しています。

  2. 具体例と観察(評価: 良い) 著者は、受講生の日々の変化や進化について具体的な観察を共有し、これを気づきの例として示しています。これにより、読者は著者の主張をより理解しやすくなります。

  3. 言葉の選択(評価: 良い) 著者は文章を豊かにし、読みやすくするために多彩な表現や比喩を使用しています。これにより、文章が魅力的で興味深いものになっています。

  4. 論理構造(評価: 良い) エッセイは論理的に構築されており、段落ごとに主題が繋がっています。著者は主題を明確に提示し、具体例や観察を使用して主題をサポートしています。

  5. 結論(評価: 良い) エッセイの結論は、テーマに対する深い理解と感銘を受けた著者の視点を強調しています。結論部分において、気づきの大切さと学習者と教育者との協力の重要性について再度強調されています。

