
December 14, 2023: Cereal (シリアル)

I have a habit of having cereal with coffee for breakfast. I need it to get me off to a good start every morning. And it has to be Kellogg's one, Granola Lipid Half-Scented Fruit. I love it very much as it has a lot of fruits which taste very good. It also has a good texture. I do not remember when I began to have it for breakfast. But I have had it for at least five years or more. It is much better than anything else for me for breakfast. I cannot put it into words why. But my body always craves it for breakfast. That is more than bread. I sometimes have a slice of bread for breakfast. Even when I have the bread, I have to have cereal, too.
What is worse is a Japanese-style meal. I cannot have it for breakfast. Rice is too heavy on my stomach, and miso soup is too salty for breakfast. I cannot be patient at the smell of a grilled fish, either. So I have no choice but having cereal at breakfast. But it has to be Kellogg’s with fruit. I have tried several other Japanese brands. But they all did not satisfy me at all. In particular, the texture was too soft for me.
I really like Kellogg's cereal breakfast. But I am not tempted to have it in the afternoon or evening. Again, I cannot put into words why. I do not know why, but I get no interest in having it in the afternoon or evening.


