
June 29, 2023: Time Performance (1)

I saw on the news that more and more people are trying to increase the satisfaction they get from the time they spend. They call it 'time performance'. I have also been trying to make the best use of my time for a long time. In my case, I have prioritised how quickly I can do everything. I always try to get everything done as quickly as possible. I do not want to waste even a single second or minute. I have always competed with the goal I set and not with someone else. I feel a sense of achievement when I have achieved my goal as I planned, and get a sense of elation when I have done better or faster than I planned. But I have only focused on how quickly I can do them and had no other goals. So what I have been trying to do may not be the time performance.
The time performance seems to change the way for university students to take their classes. Most of them prefer to watch their lectures on video instead of listening to them in classrooms. And they watch it at twice the speed. If they have something difficult to understand, they watch it again and again. This seems to be the best way to increase their time performance.




