
March 17, 2024: My Letter to Myself in the Future (5) (未来の自分への手紙-5)

Good morning. This is the message for you. You are now standing in the coming April. Around that time, you should fully recover from the injury you suffered in February. Far from it, you might be able to walk better than before. In the middle of March, I heard that you found a significant improvement in your injury and your gait. March was the prelude to your recovery, and now is the time to move forward with full force. Find and do what you want to do!
You first have to continue to improve your gait. It is the key to your quality of life. Your injury in February should have enabled you to realise how important it is that you can walk. How painful and sad it is that you cannot walk as you like! You do not have to be in a hurry to improve your gait, but you must continue to struggle to improve it forever. So, you had better make a long-term plan to revive your gait.
You also had better take on a new challenge. The more you try it, the more energy you will have. Until now, you have been too focused on improving yourself, such as improving your English skills. You had better turn your eyes to what you can do to others with your skills. You attempted a new thing in March. It was a small matter, but it was a good try contacting other than yourself. Keep doing such a try. It is known that you only have a few things you can do for others and that you are too old to try a new thing.
Nevertheless, you had better keep trying it. You must have enough power and energy to keep trying it and you may be able to find and do something that astonishes the world. That is the secret to stay young!

 おはようございます。これは君(自分自身)へのメッセージです。君は今、来る4月にいます。その頃には、2月に負った怪我から完全に回復しているはずです。それどころか、以前よりも歩けるようになっているかもしれません。3月の半ばに、怪我が回復し、歩き方も大きく改善したと聞きました。3月は回復への序章であり、今は全力で前進する時です。 やりたいことを見つけ、実行しましょう!
 まずは歩き方の改善を続けなければなりません。それがQOL(生活の質)の鍵です。2月のケガで、歩けることがいかに大切か、実感したはずです。思うように歩けないことが、どれほど辛く悲しいことか!歩き方の改善に焦る必要はありませんが、改善するための努力はずっと続けねばなりません。 だから、歩き方を復活させるための長期的な計画を立てた方がいいですよ。



