
June 16, 2024: Italian Generosity (イタリアン人の鷹揚さ)

The other day, I was reminded of my chat with a few members of my Italian customer. It was a part of my chat with them at a restaurant at lunch a long time ago. In the beginning, we talked about our business, but in the middle, we stopped talking about it and chatted about what was going on in our daily lives. Among them was politics, which we talked about. We had known that Italy and Japan had the same political system of democracy. But we found that each had its own political culture. So, we concluded that each had its own democratic system and had nothing in common.
Then, I asked one of the members to tell me who was President and Prime Minister of Italy at that time. He was supposed to tell me the names at once. But he could not answer it and asked his boss if he knew them. But the boss failed to give the names, either. And instead of giving me the names, they told me that they did not mind who they were and that whoever they were had nothing to do with their lives.
I still do not know if they said so as an excuse. But it was not strange for them to say that, given the characters of the two Italians. I do not mean to say all Italians have similar characters to them. But at least the two were very generous with anything.
I need these characters for what I am now. I am now very frustrated with politics in Japan and am struggling to calm my anger about it. If I had the same big heart as those two Italians, how helpful it would be for me!


