
January 15, 2024: My Letter to Myself in the Future (3) (未来の自分への手紙-3)

Good morning. How are you feeling? You must still be heartbroken at what happened to you last month. You will need more time to heal them. You do not need to rush to heal them. On the contrary, you should take your time and had better look back on them until your mind is clear.
The time should be of value to you because it makes you look back on your whole life up to now. And you may face things you will regret. But you do not have to keep regretting them. Instead, they will help your future life. You should go with the flow and everything will be OK. As time goes by, you should return to your old lifestyle and begin your routines as they were.
At the end of this month, you go back to Kyoto to see your parent and sister. At that time, you should be grateful to your sister. She has been supporting her and your parent for years on your behalf. Without her, your parent would have to live alone with no support. It must be very tough for your sister to support her and my parent since she has her own family and needs at least about an hour to reach the parent's home.
When you are in Kyoto, you also have to see your elderly aunt who is around ninety-six years old. She should be very pleased to see you. No one knows what will happen to our life. The future is a mystery. So you have to value those who value you.

おはよう。 調子はどうですか?先月の出来事でまだ心を痛めていることでしょう。癒すにはもっと時間が必要です。焦る必要はありません。それどころか、心の整理がつくまで時間をかけて振り返ったほうがいいです。その時間は、価値あるものになるはずです。振り返ると、反省することに向き合うかもしれません。でも、反省し続ける必要はありません。むしろ、反省は今後の人生に役立つはずです。流れに身を任せれば、すべてうまくいきます。時が経てば、以前の生活に戻り、日課を今まで通り始めているはずです。今月末にはまた、親と妹に会いに京都に戻ります。そのとき、妹に感謝することを忘れないように。妹が何年も君の親を支えてくれました。妹がいなければ、君の親はサポートなしに一人で生きていかなければならないところでした。妹さんにも自分の家族があり、親の家まで来るのに最低でも1時間はかかるので、親をサポートするのはとても大変なことです。

