
April 30, 2024:New Experience (新しい体験)

I have recently found a new way to enjoy myself and added it to my routine. I began to add my comments on a painting that ‘tohrudc-san’ has posted every day on the blog website ‘note’. I do not know exactly how many days I have been doing so. But it has not been that long.
It has been a while since I found his site. Since I first found it, I have clicked the 'like' button on his everyday posts. But until just recently, I had done nothing else. But one day, I was suddenly inspired to comment on his paintings. His articles have always had several questions on his painting and asked for comments from readers. So, I made up my mind to give it a try and gave my answers to the questions along with my comments on his painting. I needed a lot of energy to do this because I was and am still very poor at art like painting and was very afraid to do something about it in public. So, when I did it for the first time, my pulse was racing. But it turned out to be groundless fear. Tohrudc-san is open-minded enough to accept any comments and give me his positive feedback. Even when I made pointless comments, he received them and gave positive feedback to me. As a result, he has given me the freedom to comment on his paintings and has encouraged me to make more comments. This has made me think a lot about his paintings and put what I feel and think about them into words. That has made me very happy since I now have something in my mind that I have never experienced. It has also been encouraging me to try something new.
I really appreciate him for giving me this chance.


