
January 3, 2024: Earthquake in the Noto Peninshula(能登半島の地震)

On the first day of 2024, a powerful earthquake struck Japan. It hit the Noto Peninsula on the Sea of Japan side. It was so strong that it also hit where I live in the Tokyo area and my apartment shook badly for a few minutes. Fortunately, it was not damaged and my wife and I were not injured. But it reminded me of earthquakes in Niigata and the Tohoku area in 2006 and 2011, respectively. These areas are far away from where I live in the Tokyo area. Nevertheless, they hit my apartment and shook it a lot. That meant that they caused a lot of serious damage and injuries to the areas near the earthquake centres. Like them, this earthquake has also caused serious damage and injuries to the Noto Peninsula and areas around the peninsula. I knew it on TV news on the second day of the tragedy. It could have been worse. No damage was found in many of the nuclear power plants in the area. It will be a long way for the victims to be happily settled in again. I hope that they will be able to resume their peaceful lives soon.
The earthquake reminded me that the future is a mystery. No one knows what will happen immediately after the moment I am now living. And it tells me that no good preparations will help in the face of a huge disaster. And a lot of challenges lie ahead of the victims. That means that I have to make the most of every second and live the second I am living to the fullest. The future may or may not wait for me.




