
November 30, 2023: Year of Extreme Weather (異常気象の年)

This year, 2023, is a very extreme weather year. It had an extreme heat in the summer and it was also hotter or warmer than usual in the autumn. In other words, it was much hotter or warmer than usual from July to October.
It was early July that it began to get hot this summer. It was so hot that I had no choice but to use my air conditioners to cool down my rooms. It was the first time in my life that I had begun to use them so early. And I had to keep using them until early October. This is because it had been too hot or warm in September for me to live without them. I also had to keep using them to make my rooms more comfortable than usual because my grandchild was at my home until early October.
After my grandchild came back home, I stopped using them. And I assumed that I would not need them until early December. However, I was wrong. The cold has come much earlier than usual, in mid-November. It was so cold that I could not go through the day without the conditioners. It was the first time in my life that I began to use them so soon. And the second one has come in late November. It rained and was much colder than the first wave. But I did my best efforts to get through the day without the conditioners. I put on a layer of clothing and pulled on a pair of nylon trousers. I also put a hand warmer on my back and wrapped myself in a blanket. Then, I managed to go through the day without the conditioners and got used to the cold.
Nevertheless, I will not be able to go through cold days without the conditioners soon. Once I begin to use them, I will keep using them until it gets warm around at least early March. It means that I will have used the conditioners for half a year. And I had no chance to enjoy a splendid autumn with coloured leaves. It is a great pity that I had no chance to enjoy the autumn.

孫が帰ってからは使うのを止めました。そして、12月初旬までは必要ないだろうと思っていたのですが、間違いでした。寒さが例年よりずっと早い、11月中旬にやってきました。エアコンなしでは暮らせないほど寒かったです。こんなに早く使い始めたのも初めてでした。そして2度目の寒波が11月下旬にやってきました。雨が降り、最初の寒波よりもずっと寒かったです。でも、エアコンなしでその日を乗り切ろうと最善を尽くしました。重ね着をしてナイロンのズボンをはいて、 背中にはカイロを貼り、毛布にくるまっていました。そしたら、なんとかエアコンなしで一日を過ごせ、寒さにも慣れました。



