
May 15, 2023: Coronation of King Charles, Greece (チャールズ国王の戴冠式、ギリシャ)

As I wrote in my article yesterday, my wife and I watched the coronation of King Charles in the UK. While I was watching it, a country suddenly came to mind. It was not the UK, but Greece. I do not know exactly why it came to mind. But when I saw a lot of guards in the ceremony, I might have been reminded of guards in Greece.
I had not been to Greece as much as to other EU countries. I had only been to the country ten or more times. Greece was the country where I had been the least on business.
I had several reasons why I had not visited it so often. One of them was geographical. It took longer to get there than to other countries of my customers. When I flew from Amsterdam or London, I need about four hours to get there, though I could reach other countries within three hours at the longest. It was also isolated from the other countries of my customers. At that time, I had no customers on the Balkan peninsula, except for a Greek customer. So I could have no chance to visit several customers in a row. And the main reason was that the business in the Greek market was much smaller than in other countries, like France and Italy.
These made me reluctant to visit the country on business.



