
June 21, 2024: Studying Maths (54), Integration(数学の勉強(54)、積分)

I have just completed the last part of the integration section in my maths book. It was much easier and more fun to understand than I expected. That was the end of the differentiation and integration sections. I do not know to what extent I could understand them in depth. But I should, first of all, congratulate myself for having finished these sections. It was my big step forward and has motivated me to learn more maths. From tomorrow, I will begin to work on vectors, the last section of the pure maths chapter of this book. Then, I will work on statistics.

English phrases I learnt from the book:

Get the hang of
to learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple:
・It seems difficult at first, but you’ll soon get the hang of it.
Fall into place
to happen in a satisfactory way, without problems:
・Find the original motive and all the other pieces fall into place.



Get the hang of:コツをつかむ

Fall into place: うまくいく





