
April 14, 2024:Clashes with My Wife (妻とのけんか)

I clashed with my wife in the early morning about a week ago. When we were watching TV at breakfast, some apps, which help to start our new lives, were introduced on the TV. One of them, 'Hako Pita', was the cause of our clash. First, it was explained that it would help to find boxes that fit exactly into the space you want to put them in and let you know the shops where to buy them. The moment I heard it, I thought that all I had to do was open the app on my smartphone and point the camera at the space. Then, the app will measure the space, find the best box for the space and let me know where to buy. But that was wrong. The app had no ability to measure the space with the camera. Instead, it required me to input the size of the space. It was a great disappointment to me since it looked outdated. And I could not understand why it was introduced on TV. But she had the opposite opinion. She found it convenient and told me it would save her from looking around on the internet. But I disagreed with her and said I had no interest in it. Then, she seemed to be frustrated with what I said. She made an angry retort, clashing with me.
Since then, we were in a bad mood and had no words before she went out to work. I enjoyed staying to myself until she came back in the early evening. We were still in a bad mood for a while even after she had come back, but we managed to make up. It was a long clash for the first time in a while. Our clashes have always started with a tiny matter.

1週間ほど前、早朝から妻と喧嘩をしました。朝食時にテレビを見ていたら、新生活に役立つアプリが紹介されました。そのうちのひとつ、「箱ピタ」が喧嘩の原因です。まず、「置きたい隙間にぴったり合う箱を探し、購入できるお店を紹介してくれる」という説明がありました。 それを聞いた瞬間、ボクは、スマートフォンでアプリを開き、隙間にカメラを向けるだけでいいと思ったのです。そうすれば、アプリが隙間を測定して、その隙間に合う箱を見つけ、その箱がある店を表示してくれると思ったのです。でも、違っていました。アプリにはカメラで隙間を測定する機能がなかったのです。代わりに、隙間のサイズを入力しなければならないのです。古臭く、がっかりでした。こんなものが紹介された理由がわかりませんでした。


