
February 10, 2024: Chocolate (チョコ)

I like sweets, and chocolate in particular. When I want to have a snack, I always look for chocolate first. Among them are included premier chocolate, which I have ever enjoyed a few times. About a decade ago, Ginza, a high street in Japan, had a chocolate street with a couple of foreign premier chocolate shops. When I was on the street, I spontaneously got sucked into one of the shops and bought about six pieces of chocolate. They extremely tasted good. But they were very expensive for chocolate, and I have never revisited it.
Among them are the plain ones, which I love the most, such as a bar of chocolate without anything else on or in it. And the best one is Meiji’s Black Chocolate. It enables me to enjoy the taste of cacao. This is exactly the best of chocolates. I used to buy it at a convenience store whenever I went out. But I have no longer been able to have it as I did before. I am under the watchful eyes of my wife. She began to keep me away from chocolate since I began to get fat. Now, I am not allowed to eat chocolate in the fridge. I have to wait for my wife to take them out of the refrigerator, and pass them to me. When she started the way, I was very frustrated and irritated but I have got used to it. And I have come to have less and less chocolate.
Nevertheless, I am still able to enjoy chocolate on my own decision. In other words, I can still enjoy it with bread. I like chocolate bread, in particular, the chocolate, snail-shaped bun and the rectangular, soft, chocolate one. When I have bread, I always buy them. For now, I have not yet been warned by my wife to stop them. But I may be required to stop it sooner or later. I will try to enjoy them as much as possible until the time has come.

 ボクは、甘いものが好きで、特にチョコレートが大好きです。おやつを食べたくなったら、いつもまずチョコレートを探します。 高級チョコも何度か楽しんだことがあります。10年ほど前、銀座にチョコレート通りがあり、海外の高級チョコ店が何軒かありました。その通りを歩いていたら、自然にその内の一軒に吸い込まれ、チョコレートを6個ほど買いました。非常に美味しかったですが、チョコにしては非常に高価で、その店に二度と足を運ぶことはありませんでした。
 チョコの中でも一番好きなのがプレーンなものです。チョコ以外に何も入っていない板チョコのようなものです。一番のお気に入りは明治のブラックチョコレートです。カカオの味を堪能できます。まさにチョコの最高峰です。 以前は外出するたびにコンビニでこれを買っていました。でも、もう以前のようには食べられなくなってしまいました。妻の監視下に置かれたからです。太り始めてから、妻はボクがチョコを食べないようしました。今では、冷蔵庫にあるチョコをたべることは許されません。妻が冷蔵庫から取り出して、ボクに渡すのを待たなければならないのです。このやり方がはじまった時は、とてもイライラしましたが、もう慣れました。そして、チョコレートを食べる量もどんどん減ってきました。

