
March 11, 2023: Dubious Vehicles in a Car Park (2), Passenger Car, Observation(駐車場の怪しげな車両(2)、乗用車、観察)


The dubious light truck reminded me of what had happened at the car park last year. It was the latter part of last year. When I walked into my workroom after breakfast, I saw something happening in the car park through the window. Two police officers stood on the side of a car with no driver in the park. They were looking through the car windows to see inside. Then, they left the car without doing anything. Probably, they did not find anything strange or wrong.
But a few days later, the officers came back again to check the same car. This time, they opened the car with a key and checked the inside and the boot though the car owner was not there. They stayed for a long time to check but found nothing suspicious.
Then, before I knew it, the car was gone. It seemed that the car park operator had consulted the police about the car as it had been parked for a long time.
With my careful observation of what goes on around me every day, I can sometimes see something strange or suspicious. Observation is important.


