
February 28, 2023: Workshops to Learn Basics of Business Thinking (3), Observation (1)(ビジネス思考のキホンを学ぶオンラインワークショップ(3)、観察 (1))

I went to an online workshop to learn observation. It was the third of five seminars on the basics of business. Observation is defined as an act or process of watching someone or something carefully. It also includes the act of recording what is observed. The key to the observation is to find changes. I watched two videos produced by Daniel Simon to see how I am observant. In the first video, a man asks a passerby for directions. But he switches with others while the passerby is showing him the way. I could easily find the switches. In the second video, about ten girls are passing basketballs, and something strange happens during that time. I checked the number of times the girls in white uniforms passed basketballs to each other and tried to find things that happened while the girls were playing with the balls. I could count the number correctly, but I could not find things that happened. I was too focused on counting to observe other things. Easier said than done.


