
July 30, 2024: Get Bored Easily, Web Browser (飽き性、ウェブブラウザ)

I have a twisted mind. In other words, I tend not to try to follow what others think or do as much as possible. So, I have no interest in fashion. I do not care much about what I wear. Like a baby, I only wear clothes that my wife has bought for me. The same can be said for books. I have no interest in bestsellers, nor do I care about them. I only read what interests me. I also do the same with a small thing, web browsers. As far as I know, it is Google’s Chrome and MS’s Edge that are the most popular ones. But I do not use them now. Of course, I did use for a while when they first came out. I had nothing to complain about them. But the more I used them, the more I had the urge to try other ones.
I have tried other browsers: Opera, Firefox for Windows and Safari for the iPad. But I no longer use them. It was not that they disappointed me, as Chrome and Edge did not. I just got bored of and stopped using them. I had also used a Japanese web browser, Lunascape. But I had ceased to use it before I was aware.
The ones that I use now are Brave and Vivaldi. Among them is Vivaldi, which I use the most. But it is not because the web browser has anything better than others. For now, it is easy and comfortable to use. It allows me to put the search bar at the bottom and to the left or right. Probably, I will have stopped using it half a year later without any specific reason. And I will have used other browser.
As one of the options, I am going to try a new Lunascape, which I happen to have found while I was browsing the internet.

他のブラウザも試したことがあります。 Windows用のOpera、Firefox、そしてiPad用のSafariです。でも、もうそれらも使っていません。ChromeやEdgeのように、それらにがっかりしたわけではありません。ただ飽きて使わなくなっただけです。Lunascapeという日本製のブラウザも使ったことがあります。でも、いつの間にか使わなくなりました。

