
Fictional Story: Eccentrics -4 (架空の話:変わり者たち(4))

As soon as he chose the place to sketch, he hung his drawing board around his neck, on which he placed his sketchbook. And he began to sketch with a black pencil. At first, he tried to draw the scene of the outside of the rugby pitch with the spectator seats. But the pitch was shaped like a rugby ball, so he had to sketch it in perspective. But his first sketch was so miserable that even in his eyes, it did not look like the scene. It was not a sketch in perspective, but it was just rectangular. So, he said in his mind, ‘It is terrible! It is different from what was in my eyes. I have to figure it out.’
And he made his second attempt. He tried to sketch the same object again. He began the sketch, but as expected, he could not draw the sketch well. He could not sketch it in perspective, although he tried everything he could do. His second attempt was no better than the first.
’Shit! I cannot sketch it exactly as it is in my eyes. How come? What is wrong with me? I cannot do anything with it. I have no skills to improve it. Anyway, try again!'
After he said to himself, he began to sketch it again. He tried a bit harder than before. About 20 minutes later, he managed to finish the sketch. However, nothing has changed. His third sketch remained unchanged from the previous ones.
Then, he took a break to talk and play with his sister. He could not leave her alone to play.
‘Hey. Are you OK? Nothing is wrong with you? It is so hot now that we have to be careful.’
‘You do not need to worry. I have nothing wrong with me. I was playing in the shade. Are you still sketching? I got a bit bored here.’
‘Sorry to keep you waiting. I had expected to finish it much earlier. But the sketch was much harder than I expected. So, it took me a much longer time than I expected. But I also got bored with it. So, I will do the sketch one more time and stop it, no matter what the result is. So, can you wait for another one hour?’
‘No problem! Then, I will kill time until you finish the sketch. You do not need to rush. Take as much time as you need.’
‘Thank you!’
Then, his sister went somewhere, and he began to sketch again. But chatting with his sister was a good help for him. He found an excuse to stop the sketch. He is allowed to stop drawing in an hour. As he promised his sister that he would stop it within an hour, he had to stop it, no matter how the sketch went. So, he did not have to keep trying to improve, which was good for him because he was desperate to stop it at the earliest.
(To be continued. See you next week!)

 「おーい。大丈夫? 問題ない? 今日はとても暑いから、気を付けや。」






