
Today's Pair | 息子が興味を持つまで気づかなかったのですが水の中の生き物は本当に不思議です。

Steve, Terror of the Seas

By Megan Brewis
Published by Oxford University Press



Steve, Terror of the Seas & いそあそびしようよ!


Creatures of the water are so incredibly interesting. Well I never realized that till I had my son but now that I know, my son and I love reading about their unique characteristics and how they have evolved through time. With some knowledge, going to the ocean and the aquarium is like a whole new experience. Like meeting these creatures for the first time.

In “Steve, Terror of the Seas” Steve thinks he is a very scary fish. It’s true, all the sea creatures, even humans swim away from him. But are they really scared of him? The funny story will not only get kids anticipated for the great plot but they will learn all about how mutual relationship works between creatures.

『いそあそびしようよ!』Is about 2 brothers having an adventure in an unexpected area of the beach. Who would of thought they could find some of the most interesting creatures hiding among those rocky shores? From spotting special hiding spots to how to actually catch the creatures, the big brother knows it all. Like his young brother, all readers including adults will be enthralled by these little creatures.

After reading Today’s Pair, it’s hard not to plan a trip to the beach.


“Steve, Terror of the Seas” のスティーブは自分のことを怖い魚だと思っている。確かに他の魚、人間まで、一目散に彼から逃げていく。でも果たして本当に彼のことが怖いのか。


そしてToday's Pairを読んだら、海への旅行を企画せずにはいられないはず。


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