
【英語と教養】|イギリスから学ぶコミュニティとしてのマーケット文化【ENG SUB】


イギリスの最も魅力的な文化の一つに「マーケット」があります。フードマーケット、ファーマーズマーケット、アンティークマーケット、そしてフリーマーケット(Flea Market)など多種多様なマーケットが、平日・週末問わず街を賑わせています。


またMetro Publications社から出版されている「LONDON’S MARKETS」という本を参考に、気になったマーケットをいくつかピックアップしご紹介いたします。


<How street food feeds the soul | Petra Barran | TEDxLondonSalon>

マーケットの中でも特に人々の暮らしに身近にあるのが、ストリートフードマーケットです。この動画は、ビジネス支援プラットフォーム「KERB」の創設者であるPetra BarranさんがKERB創設に至った経緯や、マーケットを通したお客さん(Customers)と出店者(Traders)との関係性、そしてそこに生まれるコミュニティについて語っているものです。

“I think the thing that I’m the most excited about with street food in which continues to intrigue me and what makes me want to be part of this scene is something that’s a bit less intangible.”

by Petra Barran










ロンドンにある ”little-known gem” なマーケット


Central London - Tachbrook Street Market



North London - Stroud Green Market


Stroud Green Marketは、毎週日曜日に小学校の校庭を利用して開かれているマーケットです。地元の農家さんから新鮮な野菜や果物、ジャム、チーズなどを直接買うことができ、また同様に地元の職人さんが手作りしたパンやパイ、ケーキなどセイボリーからスイーツまで揃います。定期的にライブ演奏や子供向けのワークショップも開かれるなど、多くの年齢層を魅了しています。

West London - Duck Pond Market Richmond


リッチモンドのHeron Squareという広場で毎週末開催されているDuck Pond Market Richmondは、まずそのロケーションが魅力的です。テムズ川のすぐそばなので、天気が良ければ太陽の下、マーケットで買ったフードやドリンクを楽しみながらゆったりと素敵な時間を過ごすことができます。

日曜日には”artisan market(職人のマーケット)”として、アクセサリーや財布などのハンドメイド商品、写真、服飾など様々な分野の職人が集まり作品を販売しています。


South West London - Tooting Market



Tooting Market は国際色豊かな屋台が多く並ぶインドアのマーケットです。マーケット内に構えるお店も非常に多様かつユニークで、レコードショップや家庭用品店、デジタル機器の販売修理、美容室・床屋まであります。1930年のオープンから進化し続けるTooting Marketは、これまで「Great British Markets Awards」を始め複数の受賞を獲得しその知名度を着実にあげてきました。その一方、老舗のお店を中心としたコミュニティ文化も絶えず残り、昔ながらの雰囲気も感じられるようなマーケットでもあります。

South East London - Crystal Palace Park Market


大規模なスポーツ施設や迷路などさまざまなアクティビティが楽しめるCrystal Palace Park内の散歩道で、毎週日曜日に開催されているフードマーケットです。木々のアーチと木漏れ日が美しい散歩道を、ストリートフード、オーガニックのパン、パイやスコッチエッグなどのイギリス定番セイボリー、ドーナツや焼き菓子、ワインやクラフトビールと魅力的な屋台の数々が埋め尽くします。


<From Urban Pathfinder>

East London - Chatsworth Road Market


Chatsworth Road Marketは、Broadway Marketで有名なHackneyというエリアにあるローカルなマーケットで、長い歴史を持っています。かつては一度閉業になったものの、地元住民と出店者からなる協会の熱心な活動により復活し、ローカルコミュニティの重要な一角として毎週日曜日に地元を賑わせています。



I'll see you next time!

Markets Loved in the UK

One of the most fascinating cultures in the UK is markets: food markets, farmers markets, antique markets and flea markets. Such diverse and eclectic markets brighten the city throughout the whole week.

Today, we will be thinking about community alongside gaining an in-depth insight into the deeply-rooted market culture in the UK. Furthermore, I’m excited to pick out some markets from a book, “LONDON’S MARKETS”, published by Metro Publications, and introduce them to you.

How Do Street Food Markets Play A Big Role?

<How street food feeds the soul | Petra Barran | TEDxLondonSalon>

In particular, it’s a street food market that connects to people's lives the most. Here's one Youtube video in which Petra Barran, a founder of KERB, talks us through the background of KERB and the relationship between customers and traders and how a community is created.

'I think the thing that I’m the most excited about with street food in which continues to intrigue me and what makes me want to be part of this scene is something that’s a bit less intangible.'

by Petra Barran

What does she think attracts people to markets? She says, ‘you can't see and you can’t quantify.’ 'It's got no ratable value.' She sees the trader as the main character and their gazebo as their set. Traders bring their stories by serving their food and drinks then customers taste what the traders bring to the table, which opens up communication. This is how she describes the essence of markets.

<Markets by KERB>

Let’s Speculate About the Community

Why do markets in the UK appeal to people? To put it in short, from my perspective, it might be the most comfortable community with an ease that provides somewhere you can interact with people on a daily basis, without too much intimacy.

When we think of community, typically, we will imagine it’s something along the lines of people regularly getting together out of common interest and participating in activities. Alternatively, it could be something like joining some kind of group online. The thing worth mentioning here is ‘the level of relationship’.

If it’s an offline community and you get to know other people, you are going to create a personal relationship. If you get on well with them, it should be a comfortable place. But, if the relationship gets strained, it can become stressful. Some people might even feel hard to distance themselves from the community.

When it comes to an online community, it’s more likely to be a larger than an offline one. On top of that, communicating by text inevitably makes you feel less connected to people in comparison to an offline community.

In short, markets in the UK (in Japan, there is a Japanese equivalent called “Shotengai”) could be the best place where you can have relationships with people that sit somewhere between being more familiar than strangers but remaining less than acquaintances.

Little-known Markets in London

There are loads of markets in London and some of them have become tourist destinations. But, I would like to take you off the beaten track and introduce some local markets, an essential part of locals’ everyday experience.

Central London - Tachbrook Street Market

Tachbrook Street market is just a stone's throw from Victoria station. There are an array of food stalls, mainly from Asia, most of which are dedicated to takeaway. You will find fishmongers, butchers, fruits and vegetables, household goods and even second-hand clothes. The market opens Monday to Saturday, from the morning to the evening, so people often come and do their grocery shopping or buy their lunch.

North London - Stroud Green Market

Stroud Green Market is on the Stroud Green School playground every Sunday. You can buy locally made fresh vegetables and fruits, jams and cheese directly from farmers. You can also find stalls selling foods from savoury to sweet: local homemade bread, pies, and cakes made by experts. Moreover, there is regular live music and workshops designed for children, they have wide appeal for different age groups.

West London - Duck Pond Market Richmond

Duck Pond Market Richmond is a weekend market in a charming location, Heron Square in Richmond. On sunny days, you can kick back and relax with your food or drinks from the market right on the side of the Thames. Sunday is designated as an artisan market, so many different artists come together and sell their handmade jewellery, photographs and textiles.

South West London - Tooting Market

Tooting Market is an indoor market with an array of diverse stalls. Traders at the market are quite eclectic and unique and include; a record store, homeware stores, retail stores, an electronics repair service shop and even beauty salons or a barber. Since the market was established in 1930, it has come a long way and has been rolling along in popularity alongside winning several accolades such as Great British Markets Awards. On the other hand, the market retains its role in the local community, you will find an old-school vibe there.

South East London - Crystal Palace Park Market

It’s a Sunday street food market in Crystal Palace Park which offers a wide variety of activities, including a large recreation facility and a maze. It stands on a beautiful walkway covered with trees and sunlight pouring through the leaves. It is full of lovely stalls ranging from hot food, organic bread, British staples such as scotch eggs or pies, doughnuts, pastries even wines or craft beer.

You can see how great the atmosphere is by watching the video.

<From Urban Pathfinder>

East London - Chatsworth Road Market

Chatsworth Road Market has a long heritage and is a local market, located in Hackney which is popularly known as Broadway Market. Even though the market once went out of business, an enthusiastic local residents and traders association worked to revive it and the market returned. Now it has flourished every Sunday as a vital part of the local community. You can enjoy various shopping experiences from international street food to a greengrocer to a bakery to a cheese artisan. As well as food stalls, you can also enjoy shopping for beauty products, handmade jewellery and vintage clothing.

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