
【英会話】|#6 効率性思考から抜け出す - パブ英会話【ENG SUB】




それはパブ(Public House)に行くことです。

時に楽しく、時に悔しい パブ英会話





横浜にお気に入りのブリティッシュ・パブ「Full Monty British Pub & Cider House」があります。在留・訪日外国人に人気の場所、横浜という土地柄もあり、外国人のお客さんの比率が非常に多いのが特徴です。

Pie & Chips






The Trend in Language Learning

Online language learning classes, language learning apps/platforms and social media such as YouTube have become game changers for language learning. Now I presume people are more aware of how effectively and quickly they can learn a new language.

I went through a phase of finding effective ways of studying, however, sometimes I make sure to purposefully stay away from effective/productive ways of thinking and recall the importance of enjoying yourself.

What do I do? - I go to pubs.

It Could Be Fun, It Could Be Frustrating - Having Conversations at Pubs

From my perspective, the downside of language learning classes is that you can prepare for the class. In most cases, you will know what you are going to learn or the topic that comes up in your next class. In that respect, It's considered effective to acquire a particular skill for a certain situation for travel or your job. However, for those who place emphasis on expressing themselves and having fun communication, it could be a hindrance to their improvement.

For example, if you go to pubs, you will never know who you come across and what you talk about with them there. You can probably predict some general conversation topics such as their jobs or where they live. Alternatively, there’s the possibility that you don't have any chance to strike up a conversation with other people and end up just having your meal on your own. (I’m speaking from experience!)

Those good and bad things stimulate us, which makes your experience even more satisfying.

British Pubs are The Place For A Once in A Lifetime Experience

I would like to introduce my favourite British pub in Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture, ‘Full Monty British Pub & Cider House’. As Yokohama is popular with foreign residents and tourists in Japan, the vast majority of customers at this pub are non-Japanese.

What makes this pub appealing to me? It’s about people coming together and about interacting with them. Whenever I visit this pub, I can always have a once-in-a-lifetime experience there. I have vivid memories of enjoying spending time at the pub, which was short and sweet. These experiences give me a kick and I'm tempted to come back again.

The most memorable experience I had was when I met a group from the U.S navy. One of the members, who had soon to go back to the States at the time, reminisced about his experience in Japan and it makes me feel emotional remembering it.

Seeking Inefficient Yet Real Experience

Despite how many flexible and useful online services are available, it’s very easy to justify ourselves and find reasons for not doing things. Even if it appears inefficient or unproductive, it's perhaps important to motivate yourself to do something by putting yourself in different or new environments at times.

To keep throwing myself into doing what I’m passionate about, I endeavour to keep being curious, albeit a little apprehensive and last but not least, excited about learning.

I'll see you next time!

