
#31 Vacto Wang : Be a bridge between customers and products as a real QA Engineer - Interview with Beatrusters

Hi, I am Sakura Yagi, a PR representative at Beatrust. Whether you are a regular reader of "Beatrust on Note" or a newcomer, thank you for finding this article. "Interview with Beatrusters" is a series of interviews with Beatrust employees, called "Beatrusters". This time we interviewed our QA Automation Engineer, Vacto Wang.
We were able to delve deeper into his personal and professional life and thoughts. We heard a lot about the importance of an open culture and his efforts to improve his skills. So if you are interested in learning more about his thoughts and how he works at Beatrust, please read on!

About Vacto Wang

-Could you briefly introduce yourself?

Hi everyone! I'm Vacto Wang from China. I joined Beatrust in January as a QA Automation Engineer. I would like to respond to the interview so that I can help our readers.

-Thank you very much. First of all, I would like to ask you a personal question. What do you do in your spare time?

I have a lot of interests and hobbies!
I love the feeling on the road, love to explore the different cultures and different beautiful views all over the world, and I wish to use my wheels to run over every inch of land in this world. I will show you my favorite scene below. I have also visited many places in Japan too. Kyoto is my favorite place, I enjoyed the culture and the cherry blossoms there this spring.

7100 km, 12-day trip across the U.S.

I love to get close to nature and chase snowy mountains.

Bayanbulak, a place in Xinjiang, China. I took that photo in the summer of last year.

・Car tuning
I spent a lot of effort tuning my car, sometimes joining track day with friends from our club on the weekend.

As a QA engineer I’m not only doing performance testing on software products but also on my car, lol…

 I love to cook with my family and friends too. I also cook at camp. I love to eat, so I always search for nice restaurants!

・Global History, Humanities and Cultures
I am interested in history, especially in the history and cultural differences of the world as a whole. I collect information from different angles to understand and respect each other's cultural differences, which is also reflected in my daily life and work! I continue to study all the things that I’m interested in when I’m staying at home.

-You usually tell us about the differences between Chinese culture and the culture of other countries. We are also very inspired by the content based on your opinions. Could you give me a reason why you are willing to tell us about this?

I would like to have good communication with the members of the company, and Beatrust has members from many different backgrounds. I believe that the first step in communication is to understand and respect each other's culture.

- We enjoy talking about cultural differences and episodes. It's fun to learn about cultural differences! Tell us about your background.

After I graduated, I left my hometown of Lanzhou, then I started working in Beijing and have been a QA engineer since the beginning of my career. Most of my previous experience was in global companies, I love the open and diverse cultures.
Technically I am a QA Engineer, but I would like to develop my knowledge and skills more broadly to have more options and higher adaptability for my career in the future, committed to becoming a qualified Full-stack QA Engineer.
So in my previous experiences,  I have been not only responsible for QA but also for development and DevOps related works.

-  Listening to you, I see that one of your decision points is to "keep your options open, not narrow them down". 

How did you learn about Beatrust?

When I started to look for a new opportunity in Japan, I wanted to find an open culture company which means engineers would have a better growth environment and would be more friendly to foreigners. Nagaoka-san contacted me at BizReach, thanks for his contacting, he sent me a lot of information about Beatrust including this note. I found Beatrust to be exactly the kind of company with an open culture that I was looking for. Because this kind of culture is very important since the communication is one of  the most important element for QA Engineer who need to fully understand the opinions of users, other teams within the company, and the engineering team. As I felt during the interview, there were members of various nationalities and backgrounds working at the company, and everyone was very cooperative in order to provide better products, and our product is really unique, so I felt that this was a perfect fit for me!

Job Responsibilities and Challenges

-We are honored to have a member with your open mind, skills, and ambition join us. Could you tell me about your responsibilities?

My responsibilities are ”Quality assurance for our product” and “Test automation building”.  
I have solid experiences on building test automation system before. Although those companies were not startup, but I was always involved in the early stages of building the team. It has many similarities with startup company, such as starting from scratch, so I think my previous experiences can also be shared here. 
If we talk about the Quality Assurance part. Usually the “normal QA Engineer" is the one who only tests the product to make sure it meets expectation to the specifications. However, the QA Engineer's job is very diverse. I think a “real QA engineer" verifies through reviews and tests like the user interface is really easy to use and like the application works as intended, assuming all kinds of situations. In some cases, changes to like the development&test process, the release flow, or even the whole system may be necessary. In order to achive this, we need to be able to communicate with not only the development team and product team, but also maybe the sales teams who are in daily contact with customers, exchange opinions, and consider what improvements are needed based on user feedback.

- What is your challenge at Beatrust?

I’m going to contribute to building the completed test automation system from 0 to 1, and in the meanwhile I need to play a good role in quality assurance. This is not easy at all, but fortunately everybody in the dev team here we have the same goal, so that everybody has helped me a lot, it is really wonderful to feel and get the cooperation among our team members who can always flexibly respond to changes. I will achieve my work with the help of my previous experiences and all the team members I work with.
And I also need to continue to improve my Japanese language skills for better communication!

Summary of interviews

- What kind of person do you think would be successful at Beatrust?

・Open minded
・Willing to learn
The most important point is the willingness to achieve success together with the company, then must achieve success for his/her own career. Everyone is very serious responsible, and full of enthusiasm for their work. It will certainly lead to your own engineering skills. The atmosphere here is very active and open, we have colleagues from different countries, all the leadership members are very nice and warm, and the organizational structure is also very flat, which meets my expectations for a GLOBAL company. This is the perfect place for those who would like to work in a global environment and deliver globally relevant products. We look forward to meeting such people!

Post-interview notes
Looking back on the interview, I was very impressed by his discussion of the difference between “normal QA Engineer” and “Real QA Engineer”. “How and what value can we deliver to our customers?" Through this interview, I was able to learn once again that he is committed to his work with ambition.
Founded in 2020, Beatrust is made up of people from diverse backgrounds who collaborate and improve each other every day. Stay tuned for more interviews to come.  If you are interested in Beatrust, please contact us at “ pr@beatrust.com”.
(Due to a large number of requests, it may take some time to respond).

