インターネット調査室: 「US offers caution on Iran prisoner release: ‘This deal is not done’」

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The Hill:  11 Aug,2023
「US offers caution on Iran prisoner release: ‘This deal is not done’」: ?

The Biden administration is in active negotiations with Iran to bring home five jailed Americans released to house arrest in anticipation of a reported prisoner exchange and the release of $6 billion in oil revenue for the purchase of critical life goods.


White House National Security Spokesperson John Kirby on Friday cautioned that “the deal is not done” and that active discussions on how to bring home the five Americans are taking place.


Kirby also defended the deal from GOP criticism, saying the release of $6 billion will be tightly controlled for the purchase of food, medicine and medical equipment that does not have a dual military use. 


GOP critics have accused the administration of paying out a hefty ransom that will encourage adversaries like Russia and China to target Americans.

“The Biden Administration must punish those who use Americans as political pawns and work to end this practice.” 

Democrats argued the concessions are a necessary step to rescue Americans unjustly detained. 


Democrats argued the concessions are a necessary step to rescue Americans unjustly detained.


The $6 billion stems from Iranian oil profits in South Korean banks that were frozen in 2019 following a decision by the Trump administration to revoke exceptions for certain countries to purchase oil from Iran while it was under U.S. sanctions.

こんなところで、例の話が出てくるとは(笑)。 多分韓国はこ相当焦ります。




参考: ↓

The New York Times reported in June that U.S. officials were in talks with Iran on an informal agreement where Tehran would limit its enrichment of nuclear-weapon fuel, expand cooperation with international nuclear inspectors, halt lethal attacks on U.S. contractors in Syria and Iraq by its proxy forces and hold back from selling ballistic missiles to Russia.


検索キー: US offers caution on Iran prisoner release: ‘This deal is not done’
