インターネット調査室: 「Russian Federation has 2 million mobilised at hand, with potential total of 29 million」

今回は「Russian Federation has 2 million mobilised at hand, with potential total of 29 million」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Ukrainska Pravda: 15 Oct,2022

「Russian Federation has 2 million mobilised at hand, with potential total of 29 million」: ?

Lieutenant General Serhiy Naiev, Commander of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, reports that the number of mobilised the Russians have at hand is about 2 million, with a potential total of about 29 million.



何を言っているんですかLieutenant General Serhiy Naievは?

Naiev explained that many of those mobilised were recently released from military service and have participated in military training.


Naiev emphasised that everything depends on the resources that Russia will have available and the resources that will be supplied to Ukraine by its partners.


Regarding the 300,000 mobilised announced by Russia, Naiev expressed the opinion that this would lead to the creation of new military formations on the territory of the Russian Federation, "which the military-political leadership of the Russian Federation and their military command will try to regroup, thereby possibly affecting the revision of their strategic offensive operation"






検索キー: Russian Federation has 2 million mobilised at hand, with potential total of 29 million
