インターネット調査室: 「Putin’s Own Allies Turn On Him as Ukraine Unleashes Hell in Stolen Russian Tanks」

今回は「Putin’s Own Allies Turn On Him as Ukraine Unleashes Hell in Stolen Russian Tanks」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Dailybeast: 7 Oct,2022

「Putin’s Own Allies Turn On Him as Ukraine Unleashes Hell in Stolen Russian Tanks」:  なんだかね~。

Hot on the heels of embarrassing reports of Russian recruits fighting each other and Moscow loyalists calling for Kremlin ministers to kill themselves, it seems the rage against Vladimir Putin’s handling of his invasion of Ukraine is now openly being conveyed to the man himself by members of his own inner circle.


“Since the start of the occupation we have witnessed growing alarm from a number of Putin’s inner circle,” a Western intelligence official told the Post. “Our assessments suggest they are particularly exercised by recent Russian losses, misguided direction and extensive military shortcomings.”


number of captured Russian tanks and armored vehicles currently being used by Ukraine.

これも、ね〜 本来ありえないでしょう。

“Repurposed captured Russian equipment now makes up a large proportion of Ukraine’s military hardware,” 


参考 検索キー: CNN 奪った兵器でロシア軍に反撃、ウクライナ軍の「再生工場」を取材

“The failure of Russian crews to destroy intact equipment before withdrawing or surrendering highlights their poor state of training and low levels of battle discipline,”





検索キー: Putin’s Own Allies Turn On Him as Ukraine Unleashes Hell in Stolen Russian Tanks
