インターネット調査室: 「Olaf Scholz is the apprentice turned master dismantling Angela Merkel’s legacy」

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The  telegraph: 13 May,2023

「Olaf Scholz is the apprentice turned master dismantling Angela Merkel’s legacy」: 結構凄いタイトルですね。


Olaf Scholz became chancellor of Germany after pitching himself as Angela Merkel 2.0.


But Mr Scholz is transforming himself, about turn by about turn, from a mini-Merkel to an anti-Angela.

へ〜 どうしたんでしょう?

Her(Angela Merkel) soft-touch approach with Putin and decision to back the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, deepening Germany’s addiction to Russian gas, were shown to be huge errors of judgement.


Now Mr Scholz has begun cracking down on illegal migration in a clear repudiation of what in Germany is seen as Ms Merkel’s greatest triumph or her most grievous sin.


In 2015, Mrs Merkel threw open Germany’s borders to more than a million migrants travelling across Europe. It was a sacrifice that arguably saved the EU from a crisis that threatened to overcome it. But critics say it brought nothing but more chaos and yet more illegal migrants to Europe.


Even with her credibility now shredded, Ms Merkel still towers over her successor, who has never had her authority in Europe or on the global stage. She is, after all, Germany’s longest-serving chancellor after Bismark and her mentor Helmut Kohl, who served 10 days more than she did.

そうだったんですか~ ま、長くやったからこんな決断していた遠も思えませんけどね

検索キー: Olaf Scholz is the apprentice turned master dismantling Angela Merkel’s legacy
