インターネット調査室: 「'Coffins Are Already Coming': The Toll of Russia's Chaotic Draft」 <ー 戦場から既に棺桶の嵐、最近の恐怖映画よりヒドイ内容

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The New York Times:  17 Oct,2022

「'Coffins Are Already Coming': The Toll of Russia's Chaotic Draft」:   ロシアはどうするつもり?

A half-dozen Russian soldiers talk about being shipped to an area of intense fighting in eastern Ukraine just 11 days after their mobilization. Asked about his shooting practice, a bearded conscript says, “Once. Three magazines.”

ま〜  徴兵後、ほぼ訓練無しで一番戦闘が厳しいところに派兵されたというところですか?

In a town near Yekaterinburg, in central Russia, newly mobilized men march in place in their street clothes. “No machine guns, nothing, no clothes, no shoes,” says an unidentified observer. “Half of them are hungover, old, at risk

訓練どころか、マシンガン、服、靴すらなく、半数が二日酔いで、年寄りなtown near Yekaterinburg, in central Russiaの徴兵たち。


Western military experts predicted: rushing thousands of newly drafted, untrained, ill-equipped soldiers to Ukraine


An extreme sign of disorder came Saturday, when two men from a former Soviet state opened fire at a Russian training camp.


Russia’s military is struggling to balance two objectives, military analysts said: deploying enough troops to halt recent Ukrainian advances while rebuilding ground forces decimated during eight months of war.


Inevitably, some draftees have already been killed or captured, stirring ever-harsher criticism of the mobilization effort announced Sept. 21 and considered a shambles from the start.


“The result of the mobilization is that untrained guys are thrown onto the front line,”




“Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow — zinc coffins are already coming,”


On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed at a news conference that 16,000 recruits had already been deployed to combat units

これでも兵士を送る? どうなのよ~?

Evidence of the lack of training is anecdotal, but the sheer number of videos from across Russia…The narrator said they had not been assigned to specific units, had lived in “inhuman conditions” for a week, had to buy their own food and lacked ammunition.


Not surprisingly, Russian officials are seeking to put a positive spin on the call-up. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that 200,000 recruits were preparing at about 80 training grounds and six educational centers.


Russians will have to make a choice — build a unit properly over time and then risk losing the war, or using that unit now because the war demands it, but the unit will be half ready,”


“They have lost a lot of military specialists,”



a Russian air force veteran and former analyst for state-run news agency TASS. “There is nobody to train these new people.”



“They could not manage to do this in peacetime, so in wartime, it is even more difficult.”


Russian expression, “Not with skill, but with numbers.”

19世紀じゃないですよ。 真逆の考えの欧州支援のウクライナを見れば何が正しいかわかるでしょう。

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