インターネット調査室: 「US, allies clash with Russia, China over North Korea's failed military spy satellite launch」

今回は「US, allies clash with Russia, China over North Korea's failed military spy satellite launch」についてコメントさせていただきます。

AP: 3 Jun,2023

「US, allies clash with Russia, China over North Korea's failed military spy satellite launch」: 興味深いタイトルです。

The United States and its allies clashed with Russia and China on Friday over North Korea’s failed launch of a military spy satellite this week in violation of multiple U.N. Security Council resolutions, which Moscow and Beijing refused to condemn.


U.N. は、機能していないのでここの決定は飾り。 ただし、国際情勢を見る鏡にはなりそうです。

The confrontation was the latest over the North’s escalating nuclear, ballistic missile and military programs, which U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood warned are threatening international peace and security. The failed launch “not only disrupted maritime and air traffic in the region, but it also caused alarm for its neighbors in Japan and the Republic of Korea,” he said.



China and Russia vetoed a U.S.-sponsored resolution in May 2022 that would have imposed new sanctions, including on petroleum exports, over a spate of intercontinental ballistic missile launches. Since then, they have blocked any council action including press statements.

ま〜 せどりで儲けている国もあり、逆にいいと考えているかも? そもそも、あの国は国民が餓死しても無視で、本人は糖尿病、どのぐらい効果があるのか不明です。

China’s deputy U.N. ambassador Geng Shuang said the situation on the Korean Peninsula is a remnant of the Cold War. He accused the United States of failing to respond to North Korea’s attempts at dialogue over the years and instead resorting to sanctions and pressure on Pyongyang, missing an opportunity to resolve the nuclear issue.





U.S.-South Korean military exercises are lawful efforts to defend against Pyongyang’s escalating activities that are allowing the country to advance its unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs – and to “continue to choose ammunition over nutrition” for its people.


検索キー: US, allies clash with Russia, China over North Korea's failed military spy satellite launch
