インターネット調査室:  「Congressional Democrats respond to Biden's interview with ABC News」

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ABC:   7 Jun,2024
「Congressional Democrats respond to Biden's interview with ABC News」

After days of panic and concern, Democrats across the country were on edge watching George Stephanopoulos' interview with President Joe Biden Friday night.

And a fifth congressional Democrat joined in the call for Biden to step aside from the ticket.

While the president vowed to keep running, several Democrats on Capitol Hill expressed concern.

出だしがもー どうするのよ~?  状態です。

"One interview is not going to change the perception -- we need more than 22 minutes -- people have got to know he has the stamina to do the job and right now there are still concerns," one Democratic representative expressed



Quigley became the fourth House Democrat to openly call for Biden to step aside, which he said was a "painful" decision.


Rep. Angie Craig, D-Minn., released a statement Saturday morning … I do not believe that the President can effectively campaign and win against Donald Trump," she said.

One senior Dem aide told ABC News Biden should "buckle up for a wild week" ahead.

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