
【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/25)


ん~英文にした際に、イメージした日本文やお手本とした日本文のニュアンスと異なるなと感じた英文の箇所については、復習も兼ねて、適宜、修正していきたいと考えています( `ー´)ノ

The title:Precious are the soles of the feet



There is a poem by the Buddhist poet, Shinmin Sakamura, called "Precious are the soles of the feet".

Precious are the soles of the feet.

What is precious is not the head, not the hands, but the soles of the feet.

The work of the soles of the feet is to fulfill the duties of the feet without being known by others for the rest of one's life, while dealing with dirt for the rest of one's life and quietly fulfilling the duties of the feet.

The soles of our feet teach us.


Do the sole-like work and become a sole-like person.

The light will come out of your head.

Not yet.

Light comes from the forehead.

Not yet.

Light comes out from the soles of your feet.

Such a person is truly a great person.

The soles of the feet are the most important part of the human body.

On the other hand, it is the part of the body that is not exposed to light and is not seen by the human eye while in contact with a dirty floor.

Despite this, the soles of our feet silently perform their duties.

We should be grateful to the soles of our feet when we realize this, but few people do.

Mr. Shinmin Sakamura admonishes us that we must emulate the soles of our feet, which humbly and silently do their work even though they do not see the light of day, as a way of life as a human being.

He writes that a truly great person is such a person.

We tend to focus on the work and people who see the light of day.

However, human beings are weak creatures, and once we become famous in the newspapers or on TV, we tend to become arrogant as if we were a great person, and then lose our power because we are spoiled by our surroundings.

On the other hand, there are many people in the world who are not in the limelight, but are working quietly and silently.

They may not be in the limelight, but they may be doing noble work that supports the world.

In his poem, Mr. Shinmin Sakamura, using the sole of his foot as an example, explains that it is a virtue to humbly and honestly work hard at a given job silently and without being known to others.

There is no nobility or lowliness in work.

No matter what kind of work you do, you must only work humbly and silently at the work you are given.

Though unknown and unassuming, their single-minded efforts will become a subtle power that lights up a corner of society.

And I believe that if many such efforts are gathered together, they will become a great power that will illuminate society as well.

Knowing contentment

I do not read "know thyself" as "Knowing contentment," but rather "know thy feet".

By knowing the soles of your feet, you become a true human being.

Knowing contentment first.

This is my view of humanity.

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【大晦日カウントダウン記事(8:00)】【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/31)
