
【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary Edition@2023/12/26)



ん~英文にした際に、イメージした日本文のニュアンスと異なるなと感じた英文の箇所については、復習も兼ねて、適宜、修正していきたいと考えています( `ー´)ノ

The title:One’s thoughts go to the predecessor.

「いにしえの 先ゆく人の 跡見れば 踏みゆく道は 紅に染む」新渡戸稲造

This is a famous waka poem by Inazo Nitobe, an educator active from the late Meiji period to the early Showa period.

In every age, in every organization, the hardships of our predecessors are greater than we can imagine.

We must always be aware that it is through the hardships of our predecessors that we are able to live in this country.

First of all, we must be grateful for the efforts of our predecessors in building this country.

It is the efforts of our predecessors that, in the 78 years since the end of World War II, have turned a devastated Japan into one of the world's leading economic powers and the safest, most secure, and most peaceful nation in the world.

Our predecessors stood up after the war with extraordinary efforts and enthusiasm, even with their foreheads sweating.

What we must recognize once again is that it is thanks to our predecessors that we are now in an environment where we can live and work as we do today.

As time passes and times change, our lifestyles and business styles have changed.

To a certain extent, we see arguments that ridicule the way of life and thinking of the times in which our predecessors were active.

But think about it.

It is on the basis of that way of life and way of thinking that we are what we are today.

Rather than denying it, we should be grateful for it, and on the other hand, run with it into the new era.

I believe that such a thought is necessary.

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary Edition@2023/12/21)

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【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Book report edition@2023/12/23)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Book report and Translation edition@2023/12/24)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/25)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary Edition@2023/12/27)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Book report edition@2023/12/28)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary Edition@2023/12/29)

【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/30)

【大晦日カウントダウン記事(8:00)】【Random notes】Instantaneous English Composition Training(Diary and Translation edition@2023/12/31)
