
第15回:Chat GPT に教えてもらった英語表現の実例③

こちらの記事では、第14回の記事でご紹介したChat GPTが提案してくれた表現からどのような表現を学習できるかをご紹介します。

It is stir-fried meat, vegetables, and potatoes. It is because, you know, it's simple to cook, and also... I'm a little bit confident to cook them.


It's stir-fried meat, vegetables, and potatoes because it's simple to cook, and I'm fairly confident in making it.

I usually make stir-fried meat, vegetables, and potatoes since they’re easy to cook, and I feel pretty confident preparing them.

Stir-fried meat, vegetables, and potatoes are my go-to because they’re simple to prepare, and I’m confident in my ability to cook them.

I often cook stir-fried meat, vegetables, and potatoes because they’re easy to make, and I’m quite confident in my cooking skills.

It’s usually stir-fried meat, vegetables, and potatoes because they’re straightforward to cook, and I feel confident making them.

①「炒めもの」という単語が思いつかなかったため、別のスレッドをたててChat GPTに「stir-fried」と教えてもらいました。

(はなしぃ)Well, honestly speaking, I forgot which meat normally I put in, in that kind of dishes. Sorry about that. And as to seasoning, normally I add salt, chicken bouillon powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.


Honestly, I can't remember which meat I usually use in those dishes. Sorry about that. For seasoning, I typically add salt, chicken bouillon powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.

To be honest, I’ve forgotten what kind of meat I usually put in those dishes. Sorry about that. As for the seasoning, I normally add salt, chicken bouillon powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.

Frankly, I can't recall what type of meat I usually use for those dishes. Sorry about that. Regarding the seasoning, I usually add salt, chicken bouillon powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.

Honestly, I can't remember which meat I typically use in those dishes. Sorry about that. As for the seasoning, I generally add salt, chicken bouillon powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.

To be honest, I’ve forgotten which meat I normally use in those dishes. Sorry about that. For seasoning, I usually add salt, chicken bouillon powder, soy sauce, and oyster sauce.


"put in"





"in that kind of(those kinds of の誤り) dishes"


"those dishes"


今回は料理というビジネスからかなり離れたトピックを選んでいますが、この"those dishes"のような表現をできるかがビジネスの現場でもスマートな英語を話せるかのポイントとなってきます。

"onerous" や "tumultuous" のような難しい単語を何千覚えるよりも、このような表現の部分をChat GPTとブラッシュアップした方が、ビジネスの現場で英語をさらっと話せるようになるスピードは3倍速いと筆者は考えます。

④「鶏がらスープの素」も単語がわからなかったため、別のスレッドでChat GPTに

chicken bouillon powder


Well, basic ones, so like carrot, green bell pepper, cabbage, those things.


Just the basic ones like carrots, green bell peppers, and cabbage.

Basic vegetables like carrots, green bell peppers, and cabbage.

Mainly basic ones, such as carrots, green bell peppers, and cabbage.

Simple ones like carrots, green bell peppers, and cabbage.

Mainly the basics, like carrots, green bell peppers, and cabbage.

⑤ 筆者はほとんど仕事でしか英語を使わないため、ピーマンも英語でなんというか(昔単語帳で学習したことはあったものの)思い出せず、別スレッドでChat GPTに

green (bell) pepper


May I clarify, what do you mean with the word Precook?


Could you clarify what you mean by "precook"?

Can I ask for clarification on what you mean by "precook"?

Could you explain what you mean by "precook"?

Just to clarify, what exactly do you mean by "precook"?

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by "precook"?

⑥ 筆者が

May I clarify

と表現した部分についてChat GPTは

Could you clarify
Can I ask for clarification on
Could you explain
Just to clarify
Could you please elaborate on


⑦ 筆者が

what do you mean with the word Precook


what do you mean by "precook"

とwith ではなくby と指摘され、こういうところも1つ1つ改善です。

もっとも私たち日本のビジネスパーソンとっては、上記でwith ではなくby を確実に使えるようになるべきなのは上級(経営者として全国ネットで流れる動画等で英語で話せる)を目指す学習ステージであって、中級(重要な商談を英語でできる)を目指すステージまでは適当でよいと思います。

それまでのステージではそんな細かいことよりも、とにかく全体的にきちんと「言いたいことを伝えきる」ことに集中し続ける、場数をふむ(Chat GPTとQ&A千本ノックをひたすら続ける)ことの方がはるかに重要だと筆者は考えます。

(そもそもビジネスで話す相手がネイティブ英語話者でなければ、相手もwith ではなくby であるべきとは気づかないことがほとんどかと思います。)

Ah, in that meaning, I don't pre-cook potatoes. I sometimes pre-cook broccoli, or there might be something else, but as to potatoes, I don't pre-cook, I stir-fry, and then in finishing the stir-fry, I normally pour a little bit of water to the frying pan, and then boil a little bit. So, it may be the reason why I don't feel I need to pre-cook potatoes.


Oh, in that sense, I don't pre-cook potatoes. I sometimes pre-cook broccoli or other vegetables, but not potatoes. I stir-fry them and then add a bit of water at the end to steam them slightly. That's probably why I don't feel the need to pre-cook potatoes.

In that context, I don't pre-cook potatoes. Occasionally, I'll pre-cook broccoli or other veggies, but with potatoes, I just stir-fry them and add some water towards the end to steam them a bit. That's likely why I don't see the need to pre-cook potatoes.

If that's what you mean, then no, I don't pre-cook potatoes. Sometimes I pre-cook broccoli or other vegetables, but for potatoes, I stir-fry them and then add a bit of water at the end to steam them. That's probably why I don't think pre-cooking is necessary.

Oh, in that case, I don't pre-cook potatoes. I occasionally pre-cook broccoli or other vegetables, but for potatoes, I stir-fry them and then add some water at the end to steam them a bit. That's likely why I don't feel the need to pre-cook them.

In that sense, no, I don't pre-cook potatoes. Sometimes I'll pre-cook broccoli or other vegetables, but with potatoes, I stir-fry them and then add a bit of water at the end to steam them. This might be why I don't find it necessary to pre-cook potatoes.

⑧ 筆者が

in that meaning


in that sense


食い下がってChat GPTに

(はなしぃ)in that sense の代わりの表現として、in that meaning という表現はあり得ますか。


「in that sense」の代わりに「in that meaning」という表現は、自然な英語としてはあまり使われません。「in that sense」が適切です。

「in that sense」: これは「その意味で」という意味で、一般的に使われる自然な表現です。
「in that meaning」: これは文法的には間違っていませんが、英語では一般的に使われない表現です。代わりに「in that sense」を使う方が自然です。

Alternative Phrases
in that sense: その意味で
in that context: その文脈で
in that regard: その点で

「in that sense」の代わりに「in that meaning」という表現は、文法的には間違っていないものの、自然な英語としてはあまり使用されません。「in that sense」が一般的で適切な表現です。他にも、「in that context」や「in that regard」などの表現が使えます。


⑨ フライパンを英語でなんというかも学習したことはあったものの思い出せず、Chat GPTに

frying pan


Yeah, that depends. So, sometimes I'll stir-fry potatoes or eggs with green onions or Chinese chives. I sometimes cook some soup as well. So, they would be the side dishes, typical ones.


It depends. Sometimes I’ll stir-fry potatoes or eggs with green onions or Chinese chives. I also make soup occasionally. These are the typical side dishes.

That varies. Sometimes I stir-fry potatoes or eggs with green onions or Chinese chives. I also make soup from time to time. These are the usual side dishes.

It depends. Sometimes I stir-fry potatoes or eggs with green onions or Chinese chives, and I sometimes make soup too. These are the typical side dishes.

It varies. Sometimes I stir-fry potatoes or eggs with green onions or Chinese chives, and I occasionally make some soup. These are the usual side dishes.

It depends. Sometimes I’ll stir-fry potatoes or eggs with green onions or Chinese chives. I also cook soup sometimes. These are the typical side dishes.

⑩「典型的なサイドメニュー」に冠詞 the が必要なのかが分からなくなったため、Chat GPTに

These are the typical side dishes. においてthe はあった方がいいですか。


「These are the typical side dishes.」において、"the" は文法的には正しいですが、文脈によっては不要な場合もあります。

With "the":「These are the typical side dishes.」この文は、特定の料理について話している場合や、前後の文脈から特定の料理が明示されている場合に適しています。
例: "For our meal, we have several dishes. These are the typical side dishes."
Without "the":「These are typical side dishes.」この文は、一般的な副菜について話している場合に適しています。
例: "At a typical American dinner, these are typical side dishes."

「These are the typical side dishes.」という文において、「the」がある方が文法的には正しいですが、文脈によっては不要な場合もあります。「the」がある場合、特定の料理について話していることを示します。「the」がない場合、一般的な副菜について話していることを示します。


Well, normally they would be the one with egg and spinach.


Typically, it's the dish with egg and spinach.

Usually, it's the one with egg and spinach.

Most of the time, it's the egg and spinach dish.

Generally, it's the one made with egg and spinach.

Normally, it's the dish that includes egg and spinach.




Well, no particular technique, I just pour, salt, chicken bouillon powder. That's it.


There's no special technique; I just add salt and chicken bouillon powder. That's it.

I don't use any particular method; I simply sprinkle in some salt and chicken bouillon powder. That's all.

No specific technique here; I just add salt and chicken bouillon powder.

That's all there is to it.I don't have a specific method; I just add salt and chicken bouillon powder.

That's it.There's no special trick; I just add salt and chicken bouillon powder. That's it.

⑫ 料理について話すときの慣用表現として、「~を使う」は



"use" なんか中学生のときから知っとるわ!と思われる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんが、この文脈で"use"を使ってもノンネイティブのぎこちない表現になるのではなく、ネイティブ話者ど真ん中の表現であることが理解できました。

Well, pasta would be the ones, so traditional pasta eaten in Japan, or some creative ones, which I uniquely add some Chinese food taste.


For pasta, I usually make traditional Japanese-style pasta or some creative variations with a touch of Chinese flavor.

When it comes to pasta, I either go for traditional Japanese recipes or get creative by adding a hint of Chinese flavor.

I typically make pasta dishes that are either traditional Japanese-style or unique creations with a Chinese twist.

For pasta, I like to make the traditional kinds popular in Japan or experiment with some Chinese-inspired flavors.

My pasta dishes are usually traditional Japanese-style or creatively enhanced with some Chinese flavors.

このパートは、個々の単語・表現というより文章全体の表現し方の深さ(ネイティブ話者との距離)をChat GPTにみせつけられました。

引き続き、こちらのマガジンではChat GPTで英語スピーキング、文法、会話表現を向上するトレーニングの実例を定期的にご紹介していきます。

