
🇮🇹古代ローマの剣闘士・Gladiator のお話


主人公は、Flavia, NubiaとLupusはイタリア・ナポリの近くにある小さな町・Capuaに住んでいた子供たち。彼らの友人・Jonathanが火事を起こし、罪人となりコロッセオで猛獣と戦うという噂を聞き、彼を助けるために、コロッセオに向かいます。当時、罪を犯した人々は、罪滅ぼしとして、コロッセオで、人間の肉を食べるように訓練された熊やライオン、カバなどの猛獣たちと戦わなくてはなりませんでした。


🇮🇹The Gladiators from Capua by Caroline Lawrence

This is a great, thrilling history fiction to learn about the lives of gladiators, the history of Colosseum and the savage Roman Emperors!

Flavia, Nubia and Lupus, children from Capua, a little town close to Naples, went to Colosseum to rescue their friend, Jonathan, who was about to be executed for firing thousands of people. If you were a criminal, beasts like lions, bears and hippos were craving human blood and flesh in Colosseum! These children sneaked into the cells for criminals and slaves under the ground and ended up enacting Greek myths… But thanks to their brilliant tactics and bravery, they managed to save Jonathan from a lion!

