
3年ぶりの東京|Tokyo after three years (2/2)

僕たちのZINE・リトルプレスにおける最初のゲストであり、記念すべき創刊号 #issue 1 を飾ったマツさん。コロナによる3年を経た後、休暇を利用してとうとう東京にまた戻ってきた。僕たちは腰を下ろし、人生における進展について、そしてまた久しぶりにこうして東京にいるのはどのような気持ちか、ひとしきり語り合った。
Matthias, the guest we interviewed for our first issue, has finally returned to Tokyo on holiday after a three year absence due to the global pandemic. We sat down together to get an update on his life and talk about what it feels like to be in Tokyo after all this time.

▼前編はこちらから(part 1 

東京に戻ってきて感じたこと | Return to Tokyo

P: 僕が空港に迎えに行って一緒に電車に乗った時、飛び跳ねて(車窓から)辺りをぐるっと見ている姿を見れて良かったよ。東京に来るのが初めての人は大体そんな感じで、あとは「わお、デカい街!ブレードランナーみたい!」だよね? でもマツみたいな感じだと、もっとこう、「あ、ここ覚えてるわ。」みたいな。ドイツにいる時、建築の撮影あまりしてなかったよね。そういうのはかなり久しぶりというか。だから最初の電車で、あるいは最初の日に、何か感じるものはあった?それか、今抱えてるプレッシャーにつながるものはあった?
P: When I picked you up at the airport and we got on the train, it was cool to see you jumping around, looking at all the places. And you know, there's the first time someone comes to Tokyo and they're doing that and they're like, “wow, big city, Blade Runner,” right? But then there's you who, it's more like, “oh, I remember this.” When you're in Germany, It doesn't seem like you are really doing architecture photography so much. It's been a long time since you've done stuff like that. So on that first train ride, or that first day, did you feel something? Or is this connected to that pressure that you're feeling?

かつての場所をまた目にすることが出来ただけで、過去が思い出されるんだ。僕がまだやりたかったことも。Just being able to see all these places again, it reminds me of the past. It reminds me of what I still want to do.

M: 最初は匂いだったな。大事なこと。空気か電車か、ただ匂いが違うんだ。あと、ただ窓から外を眺めていることや、自分の居場所を理解するということ。例えば、右を見れば、この建物があって。ここには4年前に行って、またはこのビルに行きたかったけどしなかったなとか、たくさんのことが戻って来るんだ。
M: The first thing was the smell. That's important. Because the air or trains, it just smells different. And I think it's just looking out the window and knowing where we are. For example, I know that if I look to the right, there is this building. I went there like four years ago, or there's this building I wanted to go to and didn't do so. There's just a lot coming back.

M: It is kind of like where I left off. Last time, I had to leave. It wasn't my decision to go back to Germany. Since then, it has felt like something is unfinished. So just being able to see all these places again, it reminds me of the past. It reminds me of what I still want to do.


P: Has Tokyo changed at all?

M: The bigger stations like Shinjuku or Shibuya, a lot has changed there, like the entrances or the exits are somewhere else or suddenly there's a connection that wasn't there before. That is a bit confusing. But besides that, I think mostly everything has stayed the same. I mean, yes, because of the pandemic, some things are more contactless or you have to deal more with machines, like at the conbini, but I think this is happening everywhere. So I wouldn't say this is like, wow, Tokyo has changed so much. It's just that a lot of buildings have changed. That's normal in a big city like this, but if you look at the people on the street, they act the same I think.

P: マスクについてはどう?
P: How do you feel about the mask situation?

M: 僕にとっては大丈夫、ドイツでも着けてたからね。ドイツでは実際にまだマスクを着けてるんだ、ヨーロッパで他に着けてる人は誰もいなくとも。僕はどちらでも大丈夫だけど、着けている方が好きかな。外だと外気の中を歩くからちょっと違うし、たくさんの人が周りにいるわけではないから、アレルギーとかがない限り、着けたくなかったらつける必要は多分ないかもしれない。でも、とりあえず僕はマスクで大丈夫。
M: For me it's okay because I wear them in Germany. In Germany, we are actually still wearing masks even though elsewhere in Europe no one is wearing them. I'm fine with it either way, but I prefer to wear a mask. Outside, it is a bit different because if you walk in the open air and there's not a lot of people around you, then probably you don't need to wear a mask if you don’t have an allergy or something. But, anyways, I'm good with the masks.


P: 実はこの質問、前回2020年にも聞いたんだ。だからこれは2023年バージョンなんだけど、将来描いている希望はある?
P: I asked you this question last time in 2020, so this will be the 2023 edition, but what are your hopes for the future?

M: プレッシャーがなくなることかな。ここにいる限られた時間に、なんとかつながりを作れたらって。東京で個展を開く機会をまだ探しているからね。あとは撮影関連、可能性としてはECの撮影といった仕事探しを手伝ってくれるかもしれない人も見つけたい。そうしたら、ずっといられるからさ。
M: I hope the pressure will be gone. I hope that somehow I can make good connections with people in my limited time here, as I'm still looking for an opportunity to maybe exhibit my works in Tokyo. Also, I want to find people that could potentially help me find work in photography, possibly more e-commerce photography, so that I can relocate here on a more permanent basis.

中目黒アトラスタワー前|In front of Nakameguro Atlas Tower

▼前編はこちらから(part 1 )

ANDTOKYO issue 1
マツさんのインスタ|Matthias's instagram
