
About Me

Welcome to my notes, my name is Eri and I’m based in Japan🇯🇵

This is going to be brief introduction of what this note is going to be about and little bit of who I am🙂


Otaku is Japanese word which is used for someone who is obsessed with something. Anime-otaku is used when someone is obsessed with Anime, we even call people who loves trains “Tetsu-ota”

I am a proud Japanese Idol otaku, which we call アイドルオタク in Japanese 🙋‍♀️🇯🇵
I was obsessed with idols at a very early age, basically I love the popular idol groups!

モーニング娘、嵐、AKB、NMB、乃木坂、欅坂、日向坂 its hard to list them all but they have been with me throughout the ups and downs🙂

I will be writing about Japanese idols mostly, and I am planning to write about the useful Japanese phrases for “Akushu-kai” a handshake even that most groups do when they release something!

Hope this lasts! 😂
