

quota : 〔作物や商品などの〕分配高、割り当て(量)、取り分、定数、定員
overlook : 見落とす
passed over : 経過する、〔時を〕過ごす、除外する、省く、候補から外す、見送る
perpetuating : 永続的な、持続的な
discriminatory : 差別的な
outreach : ~より遠くに届く、~を超える、~より多い、手を差し伸べる


Some people argue that setting aside specific quotas or targets for the hiring or promotion of women is necessary to address historical inequalities and ensure gender diversity in the workplace. They believe that without these quotas, women may continue to be overlooked or passed over for opportunities, perpetuating the gender imbalance in many industries. Furthermore, they argue that a more diverse workplace can bring fresh perspectives and improve overall business performance, making it a sound business decision.


On the other hand, others argue that setting quotas for women's hiring or promotion is unfair and discriminatory towards men. They believe that hiring or promoting someone based solely on their gender rather than their qualifications or experience is not the way to achieve true gender equality. Furthermore, they argue that this approach could result in the hiring or promotion of unqualified or underqualified candidates, which could ultimately harm the company's performance.

Instead, they suggest that the focus should be on creating a level playing field for all candidates, regardless of their gender. This could be achieved through measures such as blind recruitment, where the candidate's gender is not disclosed to the recruiter until later in the process, or by actively seeking out a diverse pool of candidates through outreach programs. They argue that this approach can lead to a more merit-based hiring and promotion process, which ultimately benefits both the company and its employees.
