






The Marriage "Winners" in Modern Society: An Analysis of Urbanization and Mate Selection Criteria


This essay examines the characteristics of the so-called "winners" in modern love and marriage, focusing on the underlying social structure, particularly in the context of urban concentration. The essay explores how urbanization and mate selection criteria are interconnected, leading to implications for marriage rates and population decline.

Characteristics of the "Winners":

The author argues that in contemporary society, there exists a group of individuals considered "winners" in the realm of love and marriage. These individuals are typically characterized by high income, physical attractiveness, good height and physique, prestigious careers, and high levels of education. Notably, in elite circles within urban centers, meeting these criteria is often considered a prerequisite for finding a partner.

Urbanization and Rising Expectations:

The phenomenon of urban concentration intensifies the competition for desirable partners. The high cost of living in urban areas necessitates a high income, while the abundance of attractive and successful individuals in these environments further elevates expectations. This trend leads to a situation where individuals who do not meet the aforementioned criteria may find it increasingly difficult to find a suitable partner.

The Case of Power Couples and Luxury Housing:

The desire for luxury housing, such as high-rise apartments in central locations, further accentuates the pressure to be a "winner" in the marriage market. Acquiring such properties often requires the combined income of two high-earning partners, creating a demand for "power couples." This dynamic intensifies the competition and pressure to conform to these societal expectations.

Marriage Rates, Population Decline, and Immigration:

The emphasis on high standards and the increasing difficulty of finding suitable partners in urban areas contribute to a decline in marriage rates. This, in turn, exacerbates the population decline problem in many countries. The author suggests that unless the trend of urban concentration is reversed or immigration policies are adjusted, addressing this issue may prove challenging.


The essay provides valuable insights into the relationship between urban population structure and the marriage market. It highlights the growing competition and rising expectations in urban areas, emphasizing the need for a broader perspective on marriage beyond mere external factors. Ultimately, the essay encourages individuals to prioritize genuine compatibility, mutual respect, and communication in their pursuit of a fulfilling and lasting relationship.

Additional Points:

  • The essay could explore the potential negative consequences of the "winner-takes-all" mentality in the marriage market, such as increased anxiety, stress, and a sense of inadequacy among those who do not meet the societal criteria.

  • It could also discuss alternative perspectives on marriage and happiness, emphasizing that societal definitions of success do not necessarily align with individual fulfillment.

  • The essay could benefit from incorporating real-world data and statistics on marriage rates, population trends, and the characteristics of married couples in different urban and rural areas.

By delving deeper into these aspects, the essay can provide a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the complex dynamics at play in the modern marriage market.
