
I would like to write about my thoughts on marriage.

I believe that marriage will not work out if you have a mercenary (calculating)  mindset. This is because if you are looking for someone's appearance, annual income, academic background, etc., you will not be able to see the other person's true qualities (kind-heartedness, sincerity).

If you want to get married, I think it would be a good idea to ignore conditions such as annual income and look at the inner side of your partner. That's why I think it's better to judge whether you enjoy being with someone and whether it makes you feel at ease.

Title: The Essence of Marriage: Beyond Superficial Conditions

Marriage, a sacred union that binds hearts and souls, is a profound journey that demands a thoughtful approach. In this essay, I delve into the significance of adopting a mindset devoid of mercenary calculations and the pivotal role that inner qualities play in fostering a successful marital bond.

First and foremost, the importance of steering clear of a calculating mindset cannot be overstated. It is my firm belief that marriages falter when approached with a focus solely on superficial factors such as appearance, annual income, and academic background. These criteria, while tangible, often obscure the genuine qualities that define an individual - qualities like kindness and sincerity, which form the bedrock of a lasting connection.

To embark on a path toward a fulfilling marriage, it is imperative to shift the focus inward. Beyond the allure of materialistic conditions like annual income, the inner essence of a partner takes center stage. Rather than fixating on external attributes, one should assess the character, kindness, and sincerity that radiate from within. It is this intrinsic nature that truly determines the compatibility of two individuals navigating the intricate journey of marriage.

Furthermore, the essay underscores the importance of emotional connection and compatibility as pillars of a successful marriage. The ability to enjoy each other's company and the sense of ease that accompanies it should be paramount considerations. In a world often preoccupied with superficial benchmarks, the emotional bond and compatibility between partners serve as the true indicators of a resilient and enduring marriage.

In conclusion, the essence of marriage lies beyond the realm of superficial conditions. By embracing a mindset that values inner qualities and placing importance on emotional connections, individuals pave the way for a more profound, meaningful, and enduring union. In prioritizing the intrinsic over the extrinsic, we unlock the potential for a marriage that transcends the mundane and flourishes in the richness of shared experiences and genuine connection.
