






Please write a romance short story that will feature characters from the following settings in a writing style of careful, sometimes poetic, word choice and sentence rhythm that draws the reader into the story.
* Rye is a 28 years old male. Rye is a member of a criminal organization. Rye is a very good sniper. Rye has black hair and green eyes. Rye is tall and muscular. Rye is manly and handsome. Rye is left-handed. Rye is cold and rough in his speech. Rye is charismatic and confident. Rye is clever and cynical. Rye can play piano. Rye is heterosexual. Rye likes Bourbon.
* Bourbon is a 25 years old male. Bourbon is a member of a criminal organization. Bourbon is a good informer. Bourbon has short blonde hair and blue-gray eyes. Bourbon is tanned. Bourbon is beautiful and cute. Bourbon speaks in a polite tone of voice. Bourbon is easily liked by people. Bourbon has a sharp mind. Bourbon is stubborn against Rye. Bourbon respects Rye. Bourbon is attracted to Rye in hiding.


* ライは28歳の男性。ライは犯罪組織のメンバーである。優秀なスナイパーで、黒髪で緑色の目をしている。背が高く、筋肉質。ライは男らしく、ハンサムである。ライは左利き。ライは冷淡で粗野な話し方をする。カリスマ的で自信に溢れている。ライは利口で皮肉屋。 ライはピアノが弾ける。 ライは異性愛者。ライはバーボンが好き。
* バーボンは25歳の男性。バーボンは犯罪組織のメンバーである。バーボンは優秀な情報屋である。バーボンはブロンドのショートヘアで、ブルーグレーの目をしている。バーボンは日焼けしている。バーボンは美人でかわいい。バーボンは丁寧な口調で話す。バーボンは人に好かれやすい。バーボンは頭が切れる。バーボンはライに対して頑固である。バーボンはライを尊敬している。バーボンは隠れてライに惹かれる。



The muted notes of a piano drifted through the empty bar, echoing off the dark wood and casting a somber spell over the room. Rye sat alone at the piano, his long fingers dancing across the keys, drawing out a haunted melody. Though his eyes were closed, he could feel Bourbon's presence as the younger man entered the room.
"Still playing at this hour?" Bourbon asked softly, coming to stand beside the piano.
Rye's lips quirked into a cynical smile but he didn't open his eyes or stop playing. "Insomnia. Helps me think."
Bourbon nodded, his blue-gray eyes tracing over Rye's features in the dim light. There was a roughness to the older man that Bourbon was drawn to, a danger that both thrilled and intimidated him. Rye was like a wild animal, beautiful but unpredictable.
"Play me something different," Bourbon said after a moment. "Something...happier."
Rye raised an eyebrow but transitioned smoothly into a lighter, more upbeat song. Bourbon closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him. He could almost imagine he and Rye were somewhere far away from the dark dealings of their organization, somewhere they could just be together without complications.
When the song ended, Bourbon opened his eyes to find Rye watching him intently. Neither of them spoke as Rye rose from the piano bench and came to stand in front of Bourbon, green eyes burning into blue-gray. Bourbon's breath caught as Rye reached out and gently brushed his fingers along Bourbon's jawline.
"We shouldn't," Bourbon whispered, even as he tilted his face into Rye's touch.
"I know," Rye murmured. His hand moved to cup the back of Bourbon's neck, drawing him closer.
Their lips met, Bourbon melting against Rye's muscular frame. The kiss deepened, desperate and hungry, as if they were both seeking something just out of reach. For a blissful moment, the shadows of their world fell away and it was just the two of them, together at last.
When they finally broke apart, Bourbon looked up at Rye with regret in his eyes. "This will only end badly for us," he said sorrowfully.
Rye sighed and leaned his forehead against Bourbon's. "I know," he repeated softly. "But just for tonight...let's pretend."
Bourbon nodded and let Rye take his hand, leading him away into the darkness and whatever brief joy they might find in each other's arms before the cold light of dawn.




『バーボンが惹かれる年上の男〜(the older man that Bourbon was drawn to)』あたりの文章がとても萌えます。
"green eyes burning into blue-gray" が上手く訳せなくて飛ばしました。「ブルーグレーに燃えるグリーンの目」って色変わっちゃってません?って思ったんですけど、実際に色が変わってる訳じゃなくて、夢中になってるよみたいなことなんですかね。


The evening sun cast its final amber rays across the cityscape as Rye peered through the scope of his rifle. Perched high above the bustling streets, he scoured the crowds for his target, a ruthless crime lord who had crossed the organization. Rye's focus was legendary - it was said he could spot a rat from a hundred yards. But today his gaze kept drifting, searching instead for a flash of blond hair, a hint of sky-blue eyes.

Bourbon glided between the busy patrons, blending into the hive of humanity. Though his angelic face marked him as an outsider here in the underworld, he had a gift for vanishing into a crowd. Rye found him irresistible, but the boy had proven maddeningly elusive. Rye ached to unravel the secrets coiled beneath that innocent facade.

As dusk settled over the city, Rye reluctantly collapsed his rifle. His target would live another night. He turned to leave and nearly collided with a slender figure veiled in shadow.

"You didn't take the shot," Bourbon said softly.

Rye scowled. "I was...distracted."

"I know." The boy's eyes glimmered like moonlit pools. "You've been following me."

Rye grasped his shoulders. "Come with me. I'll take you far from this wicked place."

Bourbon smiled sadly. "I can't. My life is here."

Rye caressed his cheek. "Then stay by my side. I'll protect you."

Bourbon's eyes darkened. "Careful, Rye. I'm not as virtuous as I seem."

But Rye silenced him with a kiss, warm and laced with bourbon. For this moment at least, they surrendered to each other, leaving the dangers of their world forgotten.






「知ってる」 少年の瞳が月光のプールのように怪しく輝いた。






こちらもプロンプトに則り詩的。夕日を『最後の琥珀色の光(final amber rays)』と表すのが好きです。琥珀色ってウィスキーの色で例えられたりするので、それも影響してたらすごいなぁ。
『天使のような顔立ち(his angelic face)』、『気が狂うほどにとらえどころがない(maddeningly elusive)』に理想のバーボンが詰まっています。





