
#035『世界には夢があった。悪を無意味にする夢が』|ベッシー・ヘッドの言葉|Short Story

The universe had a more beautiful dream. It was not the law of the jungle or the survival of the fittest but a dream that had often been the priority of saints - the power to make evil irrelevant. All the people of Southern Africa had lived out this dream before the dawn of the colonial era. Time and again it shed its beam of light on their affairs although the same patterns of horror would arise like dark engulfing waves.
It was as though once people had lived in settled communities for any length of time, hostilities of an intolerable nature developed due to power struggles, rivalries and jealousies. Not all the stories were attractive or coherent; they were often so direct and brutal that it was almost like darkness destroying darkness and no rule was untainted by it. It was before these fierce passions for power that people often gave way and it formed the base of the tangled story of tribal movement and migration. When it was all over only a tree, a river bank, a hill or a mountain lingered in the memory as the dwelling place of a tribe.

A Power Struggle, Tales of Tenderness and Power

人々が定住した共同体に長く住むようになると、権力闘争、対立、嫉妬のために、耐え難いほどの敵対関係が生まれるようであった。すべてのストーリーが魅力的で首尾一貫しているわけではなく、それはあまりに直接的で残酷なため、まるで闇が闇を滅ぼすかのようであり、どんなルールも闇によって汚されることはなかった。 このような権力への激しい情熱の前に、人々はしばしば道を譲り、部族の移動と移住のもつれた物語の基盤を形成した。 すべてが終わったとき、ただ一本の木、川岸、丘、山だけが部族の住処として記憶に残った。

短編「A Power Struggle(権力争い)」の冒頭部分。初出は1980年8月22日号の英国の文芸雑誌"Bananas"である。

