
#36 The Sun also Shines [PART3. Spain] ep.XX "The best terrible pizza"

My Instagram post on December 12th.
"... I like this pizza the best even though it tastes the worst."

 I got used to drink in a Madrid way when the last month of year begins. 24-hour bus makes it possible to get home anytime. After 3am, all the restaurants or shops are closed but bars, churros shops or kebab shops. Convinience store for 24 hours is a fantasy.

 Churros, kebab and pizza is to finish a night in Madrid as is ramen to call a night in Sapporo. I often bit pizzas in Madrid.

One euro pizza shop is everywhere. A Czech friend who I often hang out is a vegan, so that shops she goes has a variety of vegan options.


 This pizza is one of them and it's extraordinarily terrible. It can't go through my throat without alcohol.

The dough is really dry and powdery. The vegetable on it make the surface too wet as water battles with oil. And you can't feel seasonings or any sause because of healthy minded maybe.

But I love this so much.

My sense of taste is already gone enough when I reach my step toward the pizza shop just before the dawn. Everything is fine if I could talk with my friends and laugh each other.


NEXT: The Sun also Shines [PART3. Spain] ep.XX "English Strikes Back"

READ: in Japanese
