
#20 The Sun also Shines [PART3. Spain] ep.VIII "Slippery"

I went on a hiking in a mountain near Madrid.

 It was quite odd to call it a "mountain". It's not something you usually see in Japan. The mountain has light brawn color of rock and light green of trees seeming not watery well. I was surprised to find it has no soil.

There is no soil.

I could see only sand and leaves on ground, or rocks. We went on so slippery surface of rock that I could have fell.

We found a river at the end of tour, and as expected, the water goes smoothly on rocks. An organizer told us to never drink the water because it's toxic. I've never seen this kind of river in Japan. It's not even near factory.

A German friend, Katharina agreed with me that the weather in Madrid is nice, but I can't feel nature on this mountain. Prezel she recommended me to eat tasted great with butter.


 Supermarkets in Madrid somehow sell milk left in boxes on just floor. They never put it in a fridge. Whichever the brand, in Sapporo, they always sell it cold. What makes this difference?

I'm not sure if it's because of different way of sterilization or just they stopped thinking and rejecting to use brain. Either way, I have to put them in a fridge as soon as I got home in Madrid. None of any brands tasted well though. I kind of found it tasted a bit of carton.

I still have no idea it's because milks in Sapporo is too much stertilized and ones in Madrid is more natural or just ones sold in Sapporo taste simply better and ones sold in Madrid taste worse, or just I didn't like the ones in Madrid.


But bread tastes good.

NEXT: The Sun also Shines [PART3. Spain] ep.IX "Toledo the Ancient City"

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