
Grapefruit juice

Our special week has ended, and now it’s time to get back into the swing of things today. If you’re someone who betrayed me, you might still be enjoying the day. I can’t really shake off my vacation mood…

By the way, we stayed one night at a hotel near the beach during GW. Hotel was great; there were some books on the shelf, including tourism or travel books, and even novels. I picked up a book ‘Grapefruit juice’ by Yoko Ono, while my partner was reading a book on Nietzsche. (I'm not familiar with philosophy, but it seemed intriguing.) An english translation was attached to the end of the book 'Grapefruit juice', and I was glad I could understand it. It's truly joyful to learn and engage with multiple languages, savoring the richness of words in each.

"This is the greatest book I've ever burned. " -- John

Grapefruit juice

We need some time to get back into our daily routines after returning from vacation. Let's take it easy ;) Have a lovely day.

Longing for summer!

[ New Words ]
・savor : 味わう
 →With each bite of decadent chocolate, I savored the rich, velvety texture melting in my mouth.
 ※ velvety : 舌触りのよい


